48. Confession.

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A/n :  Hey bubs thanks for waiting patiently for the update...I love you all  :-)

I just wanna request you all that please don't thank me for updating ...I love writing that's why I write... you all don't have to thank me for it ....

Instead I would like it if you all comment your thoughts on this story ...on the particular update ....your views

It will be benifit me to understand where I am going wrong ....yeah ?

Please consider my request .


" Can I hold your hand beautiful ?" Tae said smiling politely while extending his hand towards his pretty wife .

Kook blushed at the endearment tae called him...before nodding his head.. he gave his hand to tae.

" Come " Tae said while guiding kook towards the table he set up .

The table was neatly decorated with rose petals.......there were rose scented candles whose fragrance was so refreshing to inhale .

The food kept there was chicken manchurian , chicken chowmein with vegetables , and lastly the black forest ice cream sundae as dessert .

" Wow " kook's eyes sparkled looking at the arrangement ....it was all his fav food .

" How do u know that I love all these ?" Kook asked looking at his husband who was looking here and there smiling shyly .....tae's cheek's turned scarlet when he answered .

" I may or may not have bribed Jimin to get the information " Tae replied looking in his wife's beautiful bambi eyes .

" Hmm...impressive " kook teased tae ... loving the way he was blushing more .

" Please have a seat " Tae said while pulling the chair for his wife ...who smiled gratefully at the kind gesture before taking a seat .

Tae too took a seat ....now he wasn't feeling any nervousness .... having his beautiful wife with him at the moment...he forgot all his worry and smiled determiningly to get succeed in his plan .

he forgot all his worry and smiled determiningly to get succeed in his plan

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" Ani .... you are not gonna work today...let me have the pleasure to serve you pretty "  Tae said stopping kook who was about to serve the food for tae and himself ... smiling cheekily tae took the dish and started serving kook .

 smiling cheekily tae took the dish and started serving kook

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