5. Flashback.

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About the time when Tae went in the OT to talk to Jennie.

His heart was beating erratically. Hands were getting sweaty ..when he moved forward to open the door.

Doesn't know how to talk..what to talk....

When he entered ...the nurses who were attending Jennie bowed and went out to give some privacy to the couple.

He took few steps and stood infront of the hospital bed .... hanging his head low... The room was pin drop silenced for few minutes.

Jennie opened her eyes when she senced someone's presence...to find her own husband standing infront of her .

She smiled sadly...yeah she wanted to talk to Tae from morning...now she finally got the chance ...but she wanted to laugh out loud at her fate...that she is in her death bed when finally... finally her husband came on his own to talk to her.

She looked at her baby bump and started caressing it softly ...

She knows that today only one of them could survive...she overheard the conversation of doctor talking with nurses about it.

U might think that she must be all sad thinking about it...but no u r wrong ..there was a very sweet smile present on her face at the thought of it.

She was tired ...tired of living this life with fake hopes...tired of trying to make this relationship work...tired of everything.

And finally her prayers had been heard...she will finally get freedom today from all of these.

she doesn't want herself to be saved....she wants to die.

Even if it was the other way around ..if her life was all happy..if everything was alright ..then also she couldn't even think of letting her baby die.. because the baby was the only one ...who was there with her in every situation....she would give her life in a heart beat to save her precious baby.

She has done a lot of bad things her whole life....but then she started changing for Tae ....to save their relationship ...to make it work.

But still it didn't do anything to her.

Maybe karma was coming back to her for her doings now.

Maybe god wanted to test her today...if she really changed for good or not.

She was determined to pass this test.
That's the reason she called Tae to talk now... otherwise she knows Tae, her in-laws will save her and she definitely don't want it.

She has to clarify that...

She took a deep breath and looked at Tae who was still looking down...not having the courage to look in her eyes.

" Taehyung" Tae lifted his gaze and looked at her in the eyes.

She might have jumped happily if it was any different time.... getting Tae to look at her after what felt like decades but that wasn't the time to do it.

She mentally prepared herself and find the courage to speak again.

" I want u to save the baby" she declared confidently.

Tae look shockingly at her... he was about to say something when Jennie started speaking again .

" Please don't talk until I finish... please" she pleaded ...Tae nodded at that...not having any words to say anyway.

" I was calling u since morning...but u didn't picked up" she muttered sadly while looking at the side wall...

Tae silently listened as per her request.

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