Baby steps

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When I came home and changed, I planned to check in Daría and head to bed. I wasn't expecting her to hold my hand. But I would take it.

I was sleeping when someone shook me.

"Ryden? Are you asleep?" A whisper asked.

I rubbed my eyes and noticed Daría standing next to the bed. I lifted the blankets. "Come on, Thumbelina."

Daría climbed into bed with me and curled into me. I dropped the covers and wrapped my arm around her. Then I fell back to sleep.

This continued every night. I didn't question Daría about it. I didn't want to push her. My dad and Val said not to push her but let her take the lead. So, I did.

I woke up to Daría using me as a body pillow. For someone so tiny, she's a damn bed hog. I lay in bed while she hugged my body. Eventually, her eyelids fluttered open.

Daria lifted her head and noticed me awake. "How long have you been awake?"

"A few minutes. I needed to use the bathroom, but you looked comfy."

"Oh." Daría untangled herself from me.

I climbed out of bed and headed to the bathroom. After draining the lizard, I returned, crawled into bed, lay on my back, and looked at the ceiling.

"What are you doing?"

"Relaxing before dealing with the cranky customers."

Daria sat up and stretched. Her top had risen slightly to reveal a few scars.

I shifted my eyes from her, so she didn't catch me staring. I sat up. "So, your birthday is coming up."

"Yeah, so?"

"We should celebrate it."


"Why not?"

"I don't make a big deal out of my birthday." Daria shrugged.

"We don't need to make a big deal out of it. I figured a little something wouldn't hurt." I shrugged.

"You won't let this go, will you?" 

"Nope, now suck it up, buttercup."

"Fine." Daría climbed out of bed and left the bathroom.

I got up, closed the door, and called Aunt Tori.


"Hey, Aunt Tori."

Oh, hey, Ryden. What's up?

"Are you still having a birthday party for Rafe?"

Of course. Why?

"I was wondering if we could celebrate another birthday?"

I don't see why not.

I released a breath and thanked God silently. "Thanks, Aunt Tori."

So, whose birthday are we celebrating?"

"Her name is Daría. She's turning seventeen."

Is that the girl that works at Gabriel's restaurant?

"Yeah. She buses tables."

She's so sweet.

"You haven't spent time with Daria," I mumbled.



Do you know what flavor of cake she likes?

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