The mystery deepens

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I stepped off a bus and pulled the shoulder strap of my bag onto my shoulder. I glanced around at the area. My brows knitted, and I sighed and started walking.

I spent years searching for my kid without any luck. Every time I thought I found her, it was a dead end.  I approached a house and knocked on the front door.

A woman answered it and stared at me in shock. "Andrew?"

"Hi, Halinka." I smiled.

Halinka stepped onto the porch. "What are you doing here? I thought you moved to California?"

"I did, but I came home." I shrugged.

"What's wrong?" Halinka knitted her brows in concern.

"My daughter is missing?"

"What? What do you mean?"

"Daría's mother took off with her."


"When Daría was two. She asked to spend time with her, then vanished."

"Oh, Andrew."

"I don't know what to do." I shrugged. "I called Mom and Dad. They told me to come home. I couldn't leave if they came home."

"Come inside." Halinka waved me inside.

I stepped inside and set my bag down. Halinka closed the door, and I followed her to the kitchen. I took a seat at the table.

She grabbed two bottles of water and joined me.  "What happened, Andrew?"

"Kris got mixed up with drugs. I tried to get her help, but I found out she kept using it. Her behavior became so erratic that I had enough and filed for divorce and full custody of Daria. I talked to mom and dad. They told me to come home and bring Daría. They would help me. I didn't want to burden them with you and Bianka missing."

"Bianka and I got involved with the wrong people. We didn't have a choice but to hide."

"What happened?"

"Our husbands were cops and abused us. So, we ran with our kids. Bianka was smart and left Andrew with a nice minister. I screwed up."

"Wait. Did you say, Andrew?"

Halinka nodded. "Bianka named her son after you because you were our big brother. I didn't know what happened to you when you moved out. I was too busy dealing with problems of my own."

I nodded in understanding. I couldn't fault Halinka for not knowing. When I moved to California, I hadn't spoken to my family much because life got busy. Then I got married and had a kid. I didn't realize I married someone with problems of their own.

Halinka placed her hand on mine. "Andrew, we'll help you find Daría. Bianka married a nice man that helps find lost children."

"What if it's a dead end?"

"Then we keep searching."

I nodded in agreement. I just wanted my daughter back. I spent fifteen years looking for her. That's a long time not to know if your child is alive or not.


The following day after meeting Agent Westlake, I searched the database for missing children. With only a name, I didn't have much to go on.

My phone rang. "Detective Gray."

Morgan, you will never believe it!

"Bianka? What's going on?"

The Harper Family: Double Trouble (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now