Daria, meet Grammy

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Roman and I took Sam and Daria to see Grammy. We strolled into the house like it was our second home.

"You boys lost?" Grandpa Matt asked.

"Nice to see you, too, Grandpa." Roman rolled his eyes.

"I see you enough at the shop. And don't roll your eyes at me," Grandpa said.

I snickered. It sucks to be Roman.

Grandpa noticed Sam and greeted her. "Nice to see you again, Sam."

"Hey, Matt," Sam said.

Grandpa noticed Thumbelina hiding behind me.

I craned my head at her, rolled my eyes, and moved her in front of me. "Excuse my girl. She has attachment issues."

Daría glared at me.

Grandpa chuckled. "That's okay. My wife is the same way." He winked at Daría.

Daría relaxed and offered a small smile.

"Come on in. Ma is in the kitchen with Nora." Grandpa waved us to follow him.

We entered the kitchen to find Grammy sitting at the table talking to Nana.

"I swear, Nora. My siblings need their heads examined," Grammy said.

Nana giggled.

Grammy noticed us near the kitchen doorway, and her face lit up. "Oh, my booboos! Give me a hug." She held out her arms.

Roman and I hugged her.

Grammy rose from her seat and looked at Sam and Daria. "I hear my grandsons got their heads out of their asses."

Roman and I rolled our eyes. Sam and Daria snickered.

"Good. These two need women to give them a run for their money." Grammy closed one eye and wagged her finger at Roman and me.

"Grammy, do we need to rehash our issues?" I asked.

"I don't know, Ryden. You tell me." Grammy shrugged.

I groaned.

"Well, don't just stand there. Park your asses and stay a while. Nora is making dinner." Grammy whipped her head around to Grandpa taste-testing Nana's food. "Matthew, get out of the food."

"Oh, come on, Ma," Grandpa said.

"No. You're just like you were when you were little. You had to taste everything I cooked."

"I had to make sure the food met my satisfaction."

"I blame your father. He taught you bad habits." Grammy wagged her finger at Grandpa.

"That's not true. Dad enjoyed your cooking."

"I didn't mean my cooking. I meant trying to sample everything I made."

"Can you blame Dad?"

"No, because your father had good taste." Grammy smirked.

"Ma! I don't need to hear about what you and Dad did before me." Grandpa screwed up his face.

"Hey, if it weren't for what we did, you wouldn't be here."

"So, where is your grandpa?" Daría asked.

Confusion swept Sam's face. "Wait. Where is your Grandpa Michael?" She asked Roman.

Roman and I glanced at each other and furrowed our brows. I turned on my heels and left the kitchen. It's not that I didn't want to hear about Grandpa Michael, but his death was still fresh.

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