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I invited my dad to visit Odin's house to talk to him. What? Did you think I would grill him without seeing him? I'm not that heartless.

Ryden brought us drinks as my dad sat in a chair, and I sat on the couch. Then Ryden joined me.

"What's up, Tink? You seemed anxious over the phone," my dad said.

I looked at my dad and thought about what I wanted to say before speaking. "I wanted to ask you about my mom."

My dad clasped his hands and knitted his brows. "Okay."

"Why did you and my mom split?"

"Do you want the truth? It's not pretty."

"I would rather have the truth than a bald-faced lie. So, yes."

My dad took a deep breath and released it. "When I met your mom, I was working at this great job as an engineer. Things were great at first. Then I discovered she had a drug habit."

A cold shiver ran over my body as goosebumps formed on my skin.

"I checked your mom into rehab. It was a never-ending cycle with her until she got pregnant with you."

I furrowed my brows.

"But I found out she was using while pregnant."

It felt like someone had knocked the air from my lungs. My chest constricted as I stared at my dad.

"I checked your mom into rehab and told the doctors she was pregnant with you. The doctors kept her until your birth. Due to your mom's drug use, you arrived early with low birth weight. The doctors weren't sure if you would have developmental issues. I took a leave of absence from work and stayed with you. You fought to live."

Tears dripped down my cheeks.

"I was furious at your mom for causing your early birth and low survival rate. But when I put my hand into that incubator and touched you, your heart rate became stronger. It was like you sensed that I was there. I would talk to you and reassure you that I wanted you. You were my heart."

I brushed away tears.

"I remember the first time I got to hold you. You were so tiny. I cradled you in my arms. You were so amazing. It took months, but I got to bring you home. Your mom promised me to get clean. I made the mistake of believing her. I came home to find her passed out with you screaming."

I crumpled my brows.

"That's when I told your mom I wanted a divorce. She begged me not to divorce her. I refused. Your mom endangered your life. I called my parents and explained what was happening. They told me to come home. I wish I would have listened."

I looked at my dad and noticed regret and guilt in his eyes.

"I didn't know what happened to your mom until I met that detective when he visited me at Halinka's house with Bianka."

I cleared my throat. "What happened to my mom?"

"Are you sure you want to know?"

"Not really. But I need to know why my mom abandoned me and sent me into a life of hell."

"Your mom died of a drug overdose. The cops found her body a week after she left you. That's why they took you and placed you in foster care."

I stared at my dad. My eyes narrowed to a slit, and my jaw tightened. My mother abandoned me to get high.


I stood up and looked at my dad as my anger exploded. "My mother abandoned me for drugs!"

My dad and Ryden stood up.

The Harper Family: Double Trouble (Wattpad Version)Where stories live. Discover now