9. The first talk.

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When Jin said they r going to a cafe down here .. jungkook thought they would go to hospital's cafe ...but he was proved wrong when they came out .

" Hyung ? Were r we going...the hospital's cafe is on the other way" jungkook asked confusingly.

" Oh u thought we r going there?" Jin asks while chuckling at the innocent face of Jungkook...god he looks like a 5 year old who got lost .

Jin from the beginning when they firstly met liked jungkook...his politeness...how jungkook respects everyone...how cute he is ....in all words Jin liked jungkook so much that he even thought to adopt him as his child.

Which is impossible in this life.

Jungkook nodded at the question Jin asked...

" No eomma thought it would be good if we came out of the hospital to get some fresh air...nd the cafe we r going is just down the road ... we will be there in no time" Jin informed .( Eomma here is referred to Ha-rin)

They were just around the cafe when jungkook suddenly held Jin hand tightly with his both hands seemingly looking scared.

Jin looked over his shoulder to see jungkook looking down scaredly ..Jin didn't understand why suddenly jungkook looks so scared.

He looked around trying to find the reason cause until now they were having a quite good convo..jungkook seems to get comfortable with him ...then what is the reason of his scaredness.

Jin finally found the culprits...there at the other side of road were some boys
Who were looking at jungkook's body with their lustful eyes .

They didn't made any comments or whistled that's why Jin didn't noticed these all happenings.

Though Jin was disbeliefed at this ...the boys were looking like seemingly in their twenties ...how could they do this disgusting thing when they should probably focus on their studies nd career.

Jin got angrier as the boys were still eye raping jungkook even when he glared at them to back down.

Jin first removed his long jacket he was wearing nd gave it to jungkook to cover his body.

Jungkook silently weared the jacked . mentally thanking Jin for this as words does not seem to come out of his mouth ....he was still looking down not wanting to see them looking at him with their lust filled eyes.

This is not the first time this is happening to him....he is used to all these stares everytime but sometimes it actually gets out of control nd he starts to panic.

He is scared to face them.

Jin moved forward to give them a peace of mind but jungkook hold his wrist stopping him to go further.

Jungkook looked up with his bamby teary eyes nd shakes his head pleading Jin to not go.

Jin heavily sighed at that. Although he wanted to just go nd slap all of their faces but he controls himself to not to.

As jungkook looks too scared now ....he doesn't want to make him more scared ....he needs his comfort now which is more important.

Jin reassuringly smiles at jungkook ...grabs his hand nd started walking.... heading to the cafe ....by shielding jungkook from the prying eyes.

They finally reached the cafe .

Jin opened the door letting jungkook enter first nd himself trailed behind looking around the cafe searching their families.

Jin opened the door letting jungkook enter first nd himself trailed behind looking around the cafe searching their families

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( The cafe)

They finally found all of them having some convo.

As one table were having just 4 seats ....so all were scattered around on different tables.

Irene, Ha-rin, eunwoo, ye-Jun were seated at table..

Namjoon, yoongi, Jimin were seated at one table keeping a seat free probably for Jin.

Jiwoo was not here.

Min-jun , soo-ah , Tae were seated at one.

" Jungkookah do u want to join us ? " Jin pointed at the table where Namjoon nd yoonmin were seated....Not wanting jungkook to get uncomfortable without his family ( jeons).

" Ani ...hyung I will go nd join there ...u go have ur lunch" jungkook said smiling politly .. although he knows he would get uncomfortable there without his brother or parents but he doesn't have choice then to sit at tae's table.As yoonmin's table was full .

Jin was still not convinced ....but after jungkook's constantly reassured that he would be fine.....jin finally agreed nd went to sit beside Namjoon .

Jungkook sighed ...he too walked to tae's table which was at far corner beside the glass wall.

Jungkook smile atleast he could get nature's view while eating ...the nature always calms him.

while reaching upon the table he noticed soo-ah was seated besides Tae.
The seat beside Min-Jun was only free.

" Umm..can I join ? The other seats are full!" Jungkook asked with nervousness .

" Yeah..u don't have to ask...u can join us" Min-Jun replied smiling ...too glad that the beauty ( jungkook) would be sitting beside him. He thinks the luck is on his side today making jungkook nd him to meet again nd again.

 He thinks the luck is on his side today making jungkook nd him to meet again nd again

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Jungkook thanked him before taking a seat beside Min-Jun.

Min-Jun's heart started beating fastly at that.

Tae was noticing all the interaction between min-jun nd jungkook ..he was getting curious ...... do they know eachother from before to talk this friendly?

Soo-ah was all annoyed at the presence of Jungkook...but still pretended to smile not wanting Tae to notice her annoyance.

" Jungkook " Tae called with his usual deep voice.

Jungkook shockingly looked at Tae.... not expecting him to call his name.

" Yea-h"

" We have ordered our food ...u too should order fast...the cafe will be closed in 45 Minutes" Tae informed with his poker face.

Well tae doesn't like to smile much.

" Ohh ...yeah I will " jungkook answered taking the menu placed on the table . He called the waiter nd ordered a burger nd fries.

Soo-ah was now getting jealous seeing Tae getting concerned over jungkook instead of her.

After getting his order jungkook too started eating....all were silent on their table not interacting much .... eating peacefully.


So here it is....it's a filler chapter.

It might be boring...but the story would get interesting after few chapters in future.

And one more thing...as I am new to writing ...its difficult to write warewolf au ...so would it be fine if i make this story a normal one ?

If yes then I would edit the introduction part .

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