Milo x Psychic Gym Leader!Reader

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Y/n was sleeping peacefully until her phone went off signaling someone had texted her. She prayed it was Milo because she's had a crush on the grass type gym leader since they were little kids growing up in Turffield. It wasn't Milo to her disappointment it was Raihan.

Raihan: Y/n me and the other gym leaders are gonna hang out today wanna join us???

Y/n: Yeah sure I have nothing better to do what time are we meeting up and where

Raihan: We're going hiking around Chirchester I'll pick you up in about an hour

Y/n: kk

Y/n got up and went to change clothes for the day. She spent about 15 minutes picking out her outfit because she wanted to wear something comfortable for hiking but not something that looks like she was dressed for comfort. She ended up picking out this.
(Sorry if you cant hike in a skirt i can and i thought the outfit is cute btw that is not me)

She grabbed a satchel and put things inside that she might need like a mini first aid and cosmetics like wipes, deodorant, and perfume just in case

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She grabbed a satchel and put things inside that she might need like a mini first aid and cosmetics like wipes, deodorant, and perfume just in case. As a mom friend she packed things others might need like a spare water bottle and small snacks. She went into her living room and greeted her pokemon and decided she would take her Espeon with her on the hike.

Y/n had waited a little while for Raihan until he finally showed up.

"Y/n! Hurry up!" Raihan shouted as soon as he showed up.

"God damn Rai" Y/n said running outside too Raihan who was riding on one of his pokemon

Raihan held his hand out too Y/n and helped her onto the pokmon helping her to sit in front of him.

Y/n and Raihan were talking while flying to Chirchester. Raihan had taken a selfie of him flying with Y/n so he could post it and so he could print it out for her so she can cherish it forver.

"Y/n you like Milo right?" Raihan asked

"What?! Is it that obvious" Y/n said slouching against Raihan

"Yes very obvious to everyone but Milo... and Leon" Raihan said laughing a bit at Y/n's reaction.

"Well that's good knews I guess I don't want to ruin our friendship" Y/n said sadly

"Y/n M/n L/n, you are gonna tell him how you feel today or I'll tell him myself" Raihan ordered

"Raihan I don't know it's so nerve racking I'm not the best around people and I'll screw it all up and embarrass myself in front of him and it'll be a total disaster" Y/n said putting her face in her hands

"Well, we're here little lady so woman up" Raihan said landing near the other trainers that were there

Raihan dismounted his pokemon then helped Y/n off. Everyone greeted the two and everyone caught up for a little while waiting for a few other people to arrive. Y/n glanced at Milo to catch him staring at her. Y/n and Milo looked away from each other quickly with a blush on their faces hoping the other didn't catch them looking.

"Everyone is here now so let's get hiking" Gordie said leading the way and everyone followed him up the beginning of the trail.

Y/n had ended up walking beside Milo. Raihan was behind her making sure she couldn't escape the situation he made sure to purposely put her into.

"The weather is so nice today don't ya think Y/n?" Milo asked a bit awkwardly

"Yeah it really is" Y/n said acting calm and collected but on the inside she was screaming.

The group hiked for a little bit until Leon heard something.

"I hear something anyone else hear it it sounds like a pokemon" Leon said a little bit worried

"Yeah it sounds like a Treveant" Allister said a bit scared.

"We need to leave then, Treveants are very violent" Y/n said everyone hushed and started to leave slowly until the Treveant confirmed its presence making everyone scatter.

Everyone ran different directions and met in the same area somehow. Except for Milo and Y/n.

"Is everyone here" Melony asked trying to do a headcount

"Milo and Y/n aren't" Raihan said a little panicked

"Well we have to go find them" Leon announced

"With your direction skills I don't think so, plus none of us have our pokemon on us but Raihan and he left it at the beginning on the trail." Gordie said making everyone groan.


"Milo what do we do!" Y/n whisper shouted

"Do you have any of your pokemon on you?" Milo asked

"Yeah I have Espeon with me" Y/n told him pulling out Espeons pokeball from her bag

"I have Eldegloss with me I think we can fight it off or at least distract it" Milo said grabbing both of Y/n's hands.

"But what if we don't make it?" Y/n asked

"Then I have something to tell you just incase we don't... I-" Milo was cut of by the Treveant racing towards them

Y/n quickly got Espeon out of its pokeball as did Milo with Eldegloss.

"Espeon use phybeam!" Y/n shouted

Her pokemon sent a poweful attack towards the ghost pokemon that made it stop for a bit.

"Eldegloss use leaf tornado!" Milo said backing up Y/n and her pokemon

Eldegloss had caused enough damage to caused Treveant to be stunned. When the two realized that the beast was immobilized the two made a run for it putting their pokemon in their pokeballs quickly.

Milo and Y/n had come to a clearing in the woods that seemed far enough away for them to rest. They were surrounded by a peaceful silence until Y/n broke ot.

"What were you gonna tell me just incase we die today Milo?" Y/n asked looking at him

Milo took a deep breath working up the courage to tell the girl how he was feeling.

"Y/n, we've known each other for years and as time went on I had developed feelings towards you... feelings of love. What I'm trying to say is I love you" Milo told her looking down at the ground

Suddenly Y/n hugged him

"I love you too Milo" Y/n replied

"So if we make it can I take you on a picnic as a date?" Milo asked

"Of course I would love nothing more" Y/n said

A loud gasp startled them making them pull away from the hug they were sharing.

"I found them!" Raihan yelled and soon every Galar trainer had come into the clearing.

"Y/n! Milo! We were all so worried!" Melony said hugging the two

"Are you two ok?" Leon asked

"Never better" Milo and Y/n said simultaneously

(First oneshot done! :D)

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