Fantasy AU Bakugo x Reader

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(I'm rewatching mha and im starting to really like Bakugo I'm starting to see more character the more i watch)

Y/n was out in the forest dancing around and frolicking. She was having a good time singing and dancing until she heard a loud roar and a shout. She quickly made her way to the sound when she found a gorgeous blonde boy that looked around her age and a huge red dragon. She watched them from behind a tree until she made eye contact with the boy. She heard the boy shout something she couldn't quite hear and then she saw him running towards her. She took off in a sprint to no avail the boy caught up in a flash and grabbed her wrist. Y/n almost screamed but she managed to wriggle away and kept running. She was soon met with the sight of a cliff blocking her direction and she turned around to see the blonde slowly close in on her. She cowarded into a ball and put her hands up in defense.

"Who are you and why were you watching me!!" He shouted

"My name is Y/n L/n and I heard loud noises and followed them" Y/n quivered

"Y/n L/n that sounds familiar... are you Princess L/n?" The blonde questioned intimidatingly

"Yes" Y/n replied standing up and smoothing out her dress

"What are you doing all the way out here?"

"I won't answer anymore questions until I know your name" Y/n somewhat demanded suddenly going off a boost of courage.

"Katsuki Bakugo don't forget it" Katsuki told her

"It's nice to meet you" Y/n said out of politeness

"I wish I could say the same for you princess" Katsuki remarked

Another boy with red spiky hair came running over probably chasing after Bakugo. He stopped and he was out of breath.

"Bakugo don't hurt that girl she's a princess" He panted

"Yeah I figured that out dumbass"

Kirishima extended his hand to Y/n and shook it gently.

"My name's Ejiro Kirishima and sorry if Katsuki scared you" Kirishima said

"Nice to meet you Kirishima and don't worry I was only scared for a second" Y/n reassured him

"Now that formalities are out of the way what are you doing all the way out here" Bakugo reasked

"Well I wanted to get away from the castle and spend some time in nature, I'm not really fond of being locked up in a castle all day and learning about how I should act" Y/n explained

"Why don't you run away?" Kirishima asked

"Where would I go?" Y/n answered his question with a question

"You could travel with me and Kats-" Kirishima was stopped by a hand clamping over his mouth

"No you dipshit don't go inviting random people to travel with us" Katsuki hushed him

Kirishima and Y/n both looked at each other and gave Bakugo puppy eyes... well dragon eyes for Kirishima.

"... fine, but lose the dress you cant do shit with that thing on" Katsuki said motioning to the uncomfortable monstrosity called a dress.

They made a plan for Y/n to go back home change and they'd get her out through the window in the dead of night. Y/n went back to the castle and she went straight to her room. She found some loose clothes and she took the sword from under her bed and decided to take that with her. She waited til nightfall for Bakugo and Kirishima to come and get her and even had the thought in her mind that they weren't coming until she heard a tap on her window. She opened the window and it was Bakugo on the back of a dragon.

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