Takashi Morinozuka x Reader

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Takashi and Y/n have been dating for a while. Y/n doesn't mind that he entertains other females because she knows he's a very loyal person. Y/n is in charge of anything to do with plants for the Host Club which means she does most of the flower arrangements unless Kyoya gives her a specific request. Y/n was doing as usual and fixing the flowers to perfection and Takashi was entertaining his guests.

"Y/n does it not bother you that Mori is a host?" Haruhi asked

"No not at all he's a very loyal person and it's only for the club it's like a job" Y/n explained

"You're a very understanding person Y/n and so gentle too" Haruhi told her

"Thank you Haruhi" Y/n said with a smile

All the guests left soon after leaving them to do what they want. Y/n had finished her work so she was about to leave too.

"Y/n could I talk with you for a minute." Kyoya said with a smile on his face he meant business.

"Yes of course." Y/n replied walking over to his table where he does his work.

"Y/n I would like to formally invite you to a private beach in Okinawa. You've always helped the host club so much. So you should take a vacation with us. Plus you are Takashi's girlfriend and I'm sure he'd love if you'd tag along." Kyoya told the girl

"That sounds fun but what does the club get out of me going?" Y/n asked

"Nothing too much" Kyoya said acting suspicious

"Alright anything else you need?" Y/n asked Kyoya 

"Oh yes we should go over another a few things concerning the greenery of the club I have a great ideas" 


"Ah~ isn't the beach wonderful" Tamaki sighed pushing his hair back 

"It really is! I'm glad we get a break from hosting for a bit don't ya think Y/n!" Honey said beaming with joy

"Yeah?" Y/n said smiling down at Honey

Takashi came behind Y/n and put his hand on her shoulder. Everyone began to walk down to the beach. Y/n went over to a sun chair under an umbrella and began to read her favorite book. Takashi and Honey were looking for shells and after a while Y/n decided to go on a walk further down the beach to see if she could find any pretty shells for Honey and Takashi. She got up and began to walk the found some nice shells on her walk and even saw a hermit crab. She wasn't aware another guy was right behind her until he made his presence known. 

"Hey there pretty girl~" he said pitting his arm around her

"Please don't touch me sir" Y/n said nicely, shoving his arm off of her shoulder and walking away from him

She didn't get that far before the guy grabbed her wrist making her drop the shells she was holding and lose her balance. He pulled Y/n against him making her try to squirm away from him but she wasn't that strong. He also may have touched her a bit inappropriately.

"Who do you think you are sweetheart rejecting a lonely guy lookin for some fun" The guy told her.

"Get away from her now." A deep voice said it was Takashi

Y/n felt a little bit of relief but she was still in the guys grasp.

"Who's this your boyfriend" He asked Y/n

"He is my boyfriend now let me go!" Y/n told the creep holding her

"Nuh uh" The guy said he wan't paying attention so Takashi punched him making him let go of Y/n.

As soon as Y/n was able to escape she ran over to her boyfriend and clung to him.

"Let's go back to the others" Takashi said picking Y/n up bridal style

The two went back to their group everyone eventually heard what happened and made sure the couple are in good condition, which they were. They then headed back to Kyoya's family hotel because it was getting dark. Y/n still felt a little shaken up over the incident on the beach but didn't want to be a problem or ruin the trip for anybody else. She didn't even feel like eating but she did so she wouldn't be questioned for it. She ate semi quickly then excused herself to go to her room. All she wanted to do was go to sleep and forget everything. She had just opened the door to her room but stopped because she heard footsteps.

"Y/n" Takashi said getting her attention

"Yes?" Y/n asked

"Why are you acting strange" Takashi asked

"Well my goal was to be as normal as possible" Y/n said laughing a herself a bit

"You don't have to hide your feelings... not from me at least. You have every right to feel bad after what happened today" Takashi told her while hugging her.

Y/n wanted to cry but she wasn't going to. She felt safe now knowing Takashi would protect her.

"Can I sleep with you tonight?" Y/n asked while looking up at him

"Of course you can" Mori said while picking her up and carrying her to his room

"He's touching my baby" Tamaki said from around the corner almost foaming at the mouth

"Shut up he might hear you" The twins said in sync

Takashi set her down gently on her feet and opened the door to his room and they both went inside. Tamaki sprinted down the hallway and put his ear against the door.

"Senpai what are you doing" Haruhi asked

Tamaki and almost screamed when he heard Haruhi's voice.

"Haruhi go away daddy is doing something important" Tamaki said trying to peek under the door

Inside Takashi and Y/n were fast asleep in each others arms.

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