Genya x Reader x Muichiro

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(This oneshot will take place in the school AU and I've been obsessed with playing music lately fun fact about me i can play at least 5 different instruments and I sing and my ukulele era has begun :D)

Y/n was walking through the halls of Kimetsu Academy with her friends Genya and Muichiro. It was lunch time and when you go to a school like Kimetsu things can get interesting. Three sat on some bleachers and took out their bento boxes. They started talking about things like school and their interests.

"Hey Y/n you're one of those music freaks right?" Genya asked

"I guess you could say it like that" Y/n replied eating a bite of her food

"Well do you know how to play guitar?"

"Mhm" Y/n comfirmed

"Could you teach me how to play?" Genya asked

"Yeah of course I'm sure you'll pick it up fast" Y/n mentioned

"When can we start?" Genya said with a bit of enthusiasm shining through

"Whenever we can meet up plus my parents are out of town on that business trip remember?" Y?n told them

"Ohhhh that's why their car hasn't been in your driveway?" Muichiro said coming back from zoning out on a cloud

"Yeah" Y/n said

"I don't know how my brother would react to me going to the other side of town then walking home by myself" Genya said

"What if I came to your place" Y/n asked

"We can go ask him" Genya told her

"Wait- what are we talking about?" Muichiro asked

"Genya wants to learn guitar" Y/n told him

"Oh can you teach me too I have nothing to do lately" Muichiro said

Y/n looked at Genya to see if this was ok. Genya nodded and Y/n told Muichiro she would teach him. They finished their lunch and went to go ask Sanemi about this. Sanemi is the math teacher at Kimetsu and said to be one of the most intense teachers. They walked into his classroom with Genya leading and Y/n and Muichiro following behind.

"Genya it's my lunch break what do you want?" Sanemi asked

"Could Y/n and Muichiro come over I asked Y/n to teach me how to play guitar" Genya told him

"You're finally picking up the guitar? Yeah it's fine but you guys better not trash the house" Sanemi said he's normally more toned down when he's not teaching and he already treats Y/n and Muichiro like little siblings because of how much they stay over

"Thanks Sanemi" Y/n said enthusiastically

"Now leave!" He ordered

The left the room and went back outside to sit under a tree until their next class. Y/n and Muichiro flopped on the grass and Genya had his back propped up against the tree. Y/n and Muichiro were right beside each other looking up at the clouds and pointing them out like that one scene from Up. They were having a nice peaceful time until Zenitsu came over for dress code check.

"Hey guys I need to do a quick dress code check so can you guys stand up" Zenitsu asked

Y/n, Muichiro, and Genya all obliged and when Y/n stood up Zenitsu screamed. She had her shirt unbuttoned slightly and no shorts under her skirt (Y/n I can't believe you would break the dress code :0!!). Zenitsu was screaming while Y/n was buttoning up her shirt. Still her skirt was an issue. Zenitsu was screaming about her skirt.

"Zenitsu could you let it slide once pleeeeeaasseee" Y/n pleaded while doing puppy dog eyes

Zenitsu sighed

"Just this once because were friends and that face was really cute" Zenitsu said his heart melting at the end of his sentence.

"Thank you!" Y/n said joyfully hugging the blond

Genya didn't like how Zenitsu said that and Muichiro didn't like how she hugged him. Zenitsu eventually left and the bell rang a bit after. The kids made it to class and took their seats which were right by each other. They were in Mrs. Kocho's class and she taught biology (I love biology :D). She was teaching about the genetics when Genya passed Y/n a note.

When you come over can you pack some clothes it doesn't feel right that you're home alone all the time so Sanemi said you need to stay with us

Y/n wrote sure one the paper then passed it back and then Muichiro passed her a note.

Y/n i forgot what Miss Kocho just said

Y/n wrote and was just about to pass it back but the teacher saw her.

"Miss L/n you must be quite popular with the boys in your grade but please refrain from flirting in my class"

Everyone turned to look at her

"But Miss I wasn-" Y/n was cut off


After class Y/n left with Genya and Muichiro and they agreed to meet at his house later so Y/n has time to pack some clothes. Muichiro and Genya headed to his house and Y/n went to hers. She went inside and grabbed her guitar case, threw some clothes into a duffel bag along with basic necessities. then she headed to stay with Sanemi and Genya.

She got to their place and knocked on the door. She heard scrambled footsteps come to the door and Genya and Muichiro may have fought each other to the door.

"Hey Y/n" Genya and Muichiro said in sync

"Hey guys" The two let her in and Genya took her bag up to his room.

Sanemi told Y/n that she would be staying with him and Genya until her parents got back which is 2 months from now and that he also had permissions from them to do this. Y/n agreed not that she had a choice but she was thankful that Sanemi cared about her even if it was in a weird angry like way.

Genya came back into the room and flopped on the couch. Y/n sat by him and Muichiro sat by her. She got out her guitar and showed Genya how to hold it getting a bit close to him in the process. Sanemi had gone back to his room to grade papers. Muichiro was looking over her shoulder sort of pressed against her back. Genya learned a bit about guitar and Genya eventually remembered they had homework and that they should get to work on it. Math homework, Y/n's worst enemy. They were sitting on the floor with their legs under the coffee table. She groaned in frustration and Genya and Muichiro looked at her.

"You good?" Muichiro asked

"Math is hard" Y/n stated

Muichiro patted her head

Genya got jealous and pulled her into a hug. Muichiro stole her back and Y/n pushed them both away.

"What is wrong with you two!?" She exclaimed

"It's his fault!" The both yelled

"What is going on here?" Y/n questioned getting up from the table

"We both like you!" Genya told her

"What?" Y/n was confused

"So choose one of us" Muichiro said

(Leaving you guys on a cliffhanger)

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