Shinsou's Sister!Reader x Denki

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Y/n and Shinsou were in her dorm on their phones showing each other things they found funny when there was a loud banging on Y/n's door.

"Y/n open up!" She knew that voice it was Denki

She opened the door and Denki scrambled into the room.

"Dude what the heck" 

"I made Bakugo mad and he's hunting for me" Denki exclaimed

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"What'd you do this time?" Y/n asked

"I maybe pranked him a bit too hard" Denki said nervously

"Denki, if he find out you're hiding in here Bakugo will have my head too" 

"Dunce face get out here right now?!" Bakugo yelled from outside the door

"Get in the closet and shush" Y/n whisper yelled

Denki did as she said and she made her way to the door to be greeted by and angry Bakugo.

"Katsuki what do you want?" Y/n asked like she didn't know what was going on

"That stupid spark plug crossed the line. Where is he?" Bakugo demanded

"I don't know but he sure didn't come in here it's only me and Shinsou in here" Y/n said opening the door wide for Bakugo to see Shinsou laying on her bed on his phone.

"Tell me if you see him at all" Bakugo said like a normal person for once

"Oh yes sir" Y/n saluted sarcastically then she shut the door

"Denki you owe me" She said immediately after she knew Bakugo wasn't anywhere near.

Denki crawled out of the closet and flopped next to Shinsou.

Y/n went back to where she was laying and got on her phone. 

"So what did you do to Bakugo?" Shinsou asked

"I maybe, sorta, kinda smacked him with shaving cream in my hand" Denki started

"Did you get a video?" Y/n asked excitedly

"Heck yeah I did" Denki showed her and Shinsou the video and Y/n couldn't help but laugh

"Will you send that to me?" Y/n asked

"Sure" Denki said doing what she asked

"Oh Y/n do you have that  face wash that mom uses sometimes because I can feel my skin getting super oily" Shinsou asked

"Yeah my shower stuff is in the wicker box in my closet" Y/n told him pointing at it

"Thanks I'll grab it before I head back to my dorm and I'll give it back after I shower" Shinsou said

"Ok that's fine" Y/n said

Y/n was getting a bit bored so she got out some f/c (favorite color) nail polish.

"Denki let me do your nails" Y/n demanded

"No, last time was bad enough Sero and Mina made fun of me for weeks" Denki whined

"You owe me so let me do your nails" Y/n reminded

"Uggghh fine" 

Denki complained the whole time Y/n was doing it. To make his life worse she made them look sure girly and stand out from a mile away.

"Y/n you're the worst sometimes" Denki glared at her

"Don't make me call Bakugo" Y/n threatened

"You wouldn't" Denki said

"She would" Shinsou said 

"I would" Y/n comfirmed

The rest of the night the three just hung out in Y/n's room. Shinsou had to go take a shower and Denki needed to go to bed so they left. The next day Y/n and Denki walked to class together and were told that Bakugo had calmed down. Denki and Y/n had been best friends ever since they met, they even had friendship bracelets they made together. They literally make a bunch of TikToks with each other and Shinsou sometimes joined in the fun. Today was a cool autumns day and Y/n found out that there was a hey ride tonight. She told Denki and Shinsou about it and they made plans to go. School went by quickly for Y/n but slow for Denki. After school they both decided to wear "matching" outfits which for them means outfits that have the same color scheme and idea. They facetimed while picking the outfits and they ended up going with something they both felt comfy and cute in.

 They facetimed while picking the outfits and they ended up going with something they both felt comfy and cute in

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They met in the common area when they were both ready.

"You guys always look so cute when you match" Mina said in awe

"They're like a couple sometimes" Ochaco said

"Us a couple?" Denki and Y/n said in sync

They said goodbye and made their way to the 1-B dorms to get Shinsou. Kendo let them in and Shinsou took at least 10 minutes to meet in the 1-B common dorm. While he was finishing up Monama wanted to annoy Denki and Y/n.

"Matching outfits that a bit cheesy don't ya think" Monama asked

"I think it's cute" Y/n smiled

"It's pretty fun" Denki chimed in

"What happened to your nails sparky?" Monama asked

"Y/n did them" He answered

"They look so stupid" Monama commented

Y/n really tried her best on those nails.

"Hey! I'm the only one who get to make fun of them, they're gorgeous you're just mad you don't have a friendship like we do" Denki said 

Y/n got out her phone and dialed Bakugo.

"Hey Bakugo, Monama's being a prick would you fix his additude for me might be great for training your quirk" Y/n said all anyone could here from then was Y/n saying "mhm" a few times before she hung up. 

Shinsou cam down just in time that Y/n was thinking about leaving.

"Have fun when Bakugo gets here Monama, and tell him I said hi" Y/n teased walking out the door with her best friend and brother.

When they got to the pumpkin patch they got onto the trailer that had hay for people to sit on. Y/n was getting excited and Shinsou and Denki couldn't help but smile at her cute behavior. The ride started and Denki immediately put an arm around her so she wouldn't fall or anything. Shinsou found this a bit funny. He honestly thought Denki had a crush on his sister but, Denki is one of the only people in school he would trust around Y/n. The hey ride went through the pumpkin patch and into a wooded area. Y/n leaned against Denki and Denki wrapped an arm around her. 

"What a cute couple" Shinsou said taking out his phone to get a picture.

Y/n smiled for the camera and Denki took this moment to kiss her cheek. (You can probably see I like cheek kisses now) She was stunned for a second her brain had to figure out what just happened. Shinsou snickered at the two and sent that picture to a few of Y/n's friends and to Y/n and Denki. At the end of the ride they all took a selfie and left to go back to the school.

Who knew an everyday hay ride would become a life long memory.

(I wanna go one a hay ride with someone in matching outfits now ;-;)

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