Shane x Reader

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(My friend requested this in spanish they're cool oh btw there's mentions of alcohol, smoking, alcohol abuse just giving you guys a heads up. To my friend this is how im using my talents ;-;)

In the small town of Stardew Valley a farmer named Y/n lived in peace with her animals and crops healthy and alive as ever. It was fall and a cool breeze had settled in as Y/n walked through town. Y/n was walking to Harvey's clinic to ask for some medicine when she saw him talking to another patient.

"Shane you gotta stop drinking it's unhealthy and it's bad for Jas too" Harvey warned

"I know Harvey but no matter how hard I try I always go back" The man explained sadly

Y/n knocked on the door frame to announce herself, making her presence known to the two men. They both look up and Harvey smiles.

"Hey Y/n this is Shane I'm not sure if you've met him yet, you're here for you prescription aren't you?" Harvey asked

"No I haven't met Shane yet but he seems nice and yes I'm here for my prescription" Y/n stated smiling.

She hadn't been around the valley for long but most of the town knew her, as a kind, helpful, and happy go lucky person. She was pretty (as all my readers are) that was no doubt but Shane had never seen someone like her, he felt drawn to her but it wasn't a good time for him to be talking to women.

"Y/n you are getting better with your smoking habits right?" Harvey asked

"Mhm! it's been a bit hard but I'm pushing through and I can't just ruin all the progress I've made" Y/n sighed

"That's good you're determined" Harvey told her

'She's got a problem like me' Shane thought 'But she seems so.... good like she'd never do that'

Well looks can be deceiving and Y/n really was a good person but during a time in her life she escaped from it all with smoking. Harvey handed her a little bag and Y/n paid him. She bid a goodbye and waved 'bye' and smiled at Shane before she left.

"So that's the new farmer?" Shane asked

"Yep and she sure is sweet isn't she, it's such a shame what she's gone through only to be kind and just a lovely person to people" Harvey sighed feeling bad for the farmer

Shane was now more interested about who she was.

That night Y/n was walking through town on her way back from Pierre's when she saw Shane slumped over on a building not moving and his eyes were closed. She walked over to him and checked if he was still alive and he was. She poked him trying to wake him up.... he didn't wake up. Y/n felt bad and she picked him up bridal style. For someone as dainty looking as her she was pretty strong. The smell of alcohol hit her nose and she realized he was probably drinking a bit too much. She didn't know where he lived so she decided to take him back to her farm so he wouldn't be cold and get sick. She headed back to her farm and when she got into her house she laid him on the couch and put a fluffy blanket over him. He stirred a bit and started saying silly things.

Shane gasped "You're the pretty girl from the clinic"

Y/n giggled at his comment.

"Try to rest you've probably had a rough night" Y/n told him softly

He laid down and fell asleep almost instantly. Y/n went to her room changed her clothes and headed off to bed herself.

In the morning Shane woke up to a strange environment and a familiar face cooking. He sat up and Y/n noticed he was moving.

"Oh you're awake and you're probably wondering why you're here, well you were passed out on the street and I didn't know where you lived so I brought you here." Y/n chirped

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