Chocolat Meilleure x Reader

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(Thank you for the request @herosperger this was difficult lol)

"C'mon Y/n! You can't all day to do your hair just to go take pictures for and amusement park" Chocolat whined

"Chocolat, sweetie this is my job, I have to look good for the client plus that's how we got free tickets" Y/n said finishing up her hair and makeup

"What's your job called again?" Chocolat asked Y/n

"I'm a photographer" Y/n told her

Y/n finished up and grabbed her equipment and they headed to the amusement park. Chocolat was practically vibrating in her shoes from excitement. They went to the check in area and Y/n confirmed she was the photographer and got her equipment checked for safety measures. The two were all good and went into the park. Y/n decided that they should walk around so that Y/n could find all the good parts of the park. Chocolat agreed and they set off hand in hand. Y/n found some nice spots and began to set up but Chocolat got bored very quickly, she was clinging to Y/n and trying to daydream. 

"Hey Chocolat could you help me out?" Y/n asked

"Oh yeah, sure what do you need?"

"Could you go stand by the sign over there I'm making sure I have a good spot" Y/n said

Chocolat quickly walked over to the sign and stood beside it and decided to be fun and strike a few poses. Y/n laughed from behind her camera and took a couple shots.

"Wanna see the pictures, Chocolat?" Y/n asked


"Here look" Y/n said passing the camera over

"Wow Y/n these look great" Chocolat complimented

"Thanks I'll print them out when we I get home since they are pretty cute pictures" Y/n said 

Y/n finished up fairly quick after that and the two goofed off the rest of the day.

(Sorry for the short oneshot I have never seen that show before and it was hard to write Chocolat's character but I'll re-do it when I watch the show) 

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