Genya x Reader x Muichiro Pt. 2

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(wooo part two)

"So choose one of us" Muichiro said

"I can't I like you both equally" Y/n nervously said

"Isn't their something where we can share?" Muichiro asked

"Being polyamourus?" Y/n questioned

"Would that work?" Genya asked

"Should we try?"

They all had questions that they needed to answer so they agreed tomorrow they'd asked their art teacher, Tengen Uzui.

During free time they went to the art room to find him. Luckily he was still in his classroom.

"Mr. Uzui?"

"Hey kids ya need something?" Tengen asked

"We were wondering if we could ask about polyamourus or open relationships because you have 3 wives" Muichiro said

"Sure ask away" Tengen was sort of surprised

"Well what's it like and how does it work" Genya asked

"So basically you just have to be able to share and love each other equally for poly" Tengen explained

"Well what if two people like one person and that one person likes both of them but gose two people don't wanna be anything more than friends?" Y/n questioned

"That's and open relationship and it's kinda like dating two people at once but they know and its not cheating" Tengen continued to explain everything to them until they got it.

Then he left the three alone.

"So what do we do?" Y/n asked

"So if its alright with you Y/n could me, you, and Genya be in an open relationship?" Muichiro asked

"If its alright with Genya" Y/n shrugged

"...fine but it better not get super weird" Genya sighed

The trio had finally figured out the first step to their romantic journey and decided that everything else can be figured out along the way.

For the rest of their break they decided to go back to the tree they sat at yesterday. Today Y/n had shorts but she still unbuttoned her top slightly nothing was showing it was just two buttons. Genya and Muichiro didn't care for it and found it normal because they understood that the uniform is uncomfortable at times.

All was peaceful once again. Muichiro was laying on Y/n's lap and Y/n was leaning against a tree and Genya was right beside her. The peace was disturbed by once again, Zenitsu.

"Uniform che- Y/N YOU HAVE YOUR SHIRT UNBUTTONED!!" Zenitsu screamed

Muichiro rolled his eyes and Genya glared at the blonde.

"Dude its literally two buttons she buttons it back up when we go to class after break, and you literally can't see anything inappropriate so calm down" Muichiro sighed

"You also only dress code Y/n which is odd huh? Other girls can do the same as she can but she gets in trouble by you for it" Genya bluntly told him.

Tanjiro came trailing behind Zenitsu and put a hand in his shoulder.

"Maybe you should leave them be she hasn't done anything too wrong" Tanjiro reasoned

"Her shirt is unbuttoned what if that kid Douma sees it!" Zenitsu worried

"If that kid Douma sees what?" Douma said from right behind them

The kids stayed silent.

"Y/n that unbuttoned shirt its going to get you a lot of attention" Douma said kind if suggestively

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