Muriel x Reader

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(I had a dream about being in the Arcana universe and I got so many ideas)

"Y/n where are you going?" Asra asked as Y/n was about to leave the shop

"I'm going to see Muriel" Y/n told him stopping in her tracks and turning around

"Ooohh~ Alright but be safe out there if something goes wrong you know how to contact me" Asra said

"I promise I'll be ok" Y/n said

"Now scurry off to your boyfriend" Asra said shooing her out of the shop

"Bye" Y/n waved him off and made her way out to the forest making her way to Muriel's hut

Y/n loves the forest its so pretty during the day and the way the wind blows through the trees and pulls leaves with it's always so magical for her. Y/n kept moving through the forest until she stopped feeling an uneasy presence around her. She looked around trying to see if she could spot what was following her but nothing was there. She kept on walking, trying to brush off the feeling that she was being followed just telling herself 'I'm being paranoid'. She thought she'd be fine until she heard a screeching like noise and saw something that looked like a goat and a man. She made a run for it she made it about halfway to Muriel's hut. She was looking behind her while running to check if the thing was there as she was doing this she bumped into something and fell to the ground on impact.

"Y/n?" Muriel asked looking concerned

"Muriel!" Y/n stood up quickly and wrapped her arms around him

"Are you ok?" Muriel questions looking Y/n in the eyes

"Yes! No! Maybe? I saw this goat thing in the forest and I was trying to run to your hut but I ran into you here" Y/n said very quickly 

Muriel wrapped his arms around her making the short woman feel safe well short to him of course most everyone is short compared to him.

"Let's go home" He said sweeping her up bridal style with ease and carrying her back to his hut. The place he hoped he'd share with Y/n and the place he wants to start a family with her but that day was not today.

"Muri I'm sorry I ran into you like that I wasn't looking where I was going, I was tryi-" Muriel kissed her forehead to stop her apology

"It was an accident anyone could make it probably hurt you more than it hurt me" He said reassuring her that he knows she would never do that on purpose because who would run into someone on purpose unless they were trying to hurt them.

Muriel and Y/n arrived at his place and he put her down gently while he opened the door for her. As soon as the door opened Inanna came rushing towards Y/n to show her some affection. Muriel laughed a little at this interaction between the love of his life and his best friend.  Inanna calmed down and Muriel looked a little nervous about something.

"Muri are you ok?" Y/n asked grabbing one of his hands with both of hers

"Yes I'm fine... will you play with my hair please?" He said quietly 

"Of course I will" Y/n said sitting down on a stool and gesturing for Muriel to sit between her legs

"Thank you" Muriel said sitting down 

Y/n started to comb her fingers through the man's hair trying not to hurt him while getting out the tangles and knots. Muriel didn't mind he wasn't tender-headed. Y/n hummed while playing with his hair making Muriel almost fall asleep. The two didn't realize how much time went by so Muriel suggested Y/n should stay here for the night. The two got ready for bed and fell asleep peacefully in each others arms...

"Muriel! Y/n didn't come back to she shop!" Asra yelled busting through the door

"Asra... Y/n is sleeping here" Muriel told him sitting up slowly

"Oh thank goodness" Asra said sighing in relief

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