Child!Zuko x Older Sister!Reader

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Y/n was called the beauty of the fire nation. As Ozai's daughter, she was already respected, but due to her beauty she got even more attention. She was also kind and bonded well with her siblings.

Y/n was sitting outside watching Azula and her friends do cartwheels

Y/n did as her mother said and eventually, the children were presented before the fire lord.

Her father and grandfather spoke for a bit and Ozai eventually mentioned to Azula that she should show her grandfather what she'd been learning.

Azula put on a great display of fire bending ability and their grandfather seemed pleased. Ozai also mentioned that Y/n shows great skill and beauty.

"Y/n show me these skills of yours" The fire lord commanded.

Y/n stood up and showed she has great talent in fire bending but she didn't move sharp like Azula, she moved smoothly and gracefully as a dancer would.

"Very good, you have a real gem there son" The fire lord commented as Y/n sat back down by Zuko.

Zuko wanted to show his skill too and sadly failed.

Eventually Ozai wanted to speak alone with his father and the other family left the room.

Azula and Zuko stayed behind and listened before Y/n silently pulled them out.

"You're a buzz kill Y/n" Azula whined.

"Azula private conversations aren't supposed to be listened in on be respectful" Y/n told her.

Zuko looked up at Y/n.

"Zuko you shouldn't give into things like that you both know better" Y/n lectured.

"You're not mom y'know" Azula sneered.

"But I am you're older sister." Y/n said.

The next day someone had come for her hand in marriage unknowingly to her.

She was in her chambers fixing her hair and getting ready for the day. That was until Zuko and Azula came in.

"Y/n some guy is here to ask you to marry him." Azula teased.

"What?" Y/n's eyes widened in shock.

"He's talking to father right now and father wants you down there." Zuko told her.

This made Y/n get up quickly and rush down stairs. The younger siblings followed. Y/n entered the room.

"Ah Y/n, you're finally here. This young man wants to ask you to marry him." Ozai informed her.

"I won't marry him." Y/n said in a sure tone.

"Any reason?" Her father asked interested.

"I don't even know him and I can tell he plans to buy me instead of try to woo me so I won't be marrying him." Y/n said firmly.

This type of attitude and composure made her father see she would not go down easily.

"Very well then." Ozai said with no thought behind it.

Y/n left the room quickly. After she left her younger siblings followed her down the corridor.

"You're not marrying him?" Zuko asked.


"But why?" Azula questioned.

"Because I can already tell by the way he presented himself in the room that he could not compare to me. If he cannot stand for himself and make good decisions he doesn't deserve me or any woman" Y/n said.

"He probably just wanted you because you're pretty and royal" Azula commented.

"Beauty isn't permanent neither is royalty. Don't copy my behavior in there." Y/n told them.

"So if Dad becomes the next fire lord that puts you in line after him right?" Azula asked.

"Yes but I'm sure Uncle Iroh won't give up his place"

"Uncle Iroh is strong" Zuko mentioned

"But it is true that if Uncle steps down you'll be next in line after father" Azula sneered.

"Technically... yes that is true." Y/n says as if she had never thought too hard about the subject.

"So what would you do as a ruler" Zuko asks genuinely curious.

"Stop the war and help the other nations by helping them repair their damaged areas." Y/n said.

"Jeez you're boring" Azula says.

"She's not boring she just thinks differently than burn everything to the ground and lock up the benders" Zuko tells her.

~Present Time~

Ozai was defeated by team avatar which made Y/n the next ruler. Y/n was there for the last of the fight and she was there to lock up her father.

Y/n went marching towards the benders fighting her father and once his bending was removed she told the guards to lock him up.

Zuko hadn't seen Y/n in years. She looked no different besides her hair being longer.

"Y/n... you're here." Zuko smiles.

Y/n barely had the moment before to notice who all was there. She knew it was Zuko. She turned around and rushed to hug him. He was still shorter than her so it felt like old times. He had no hesitation hugging back.

After a nice moment Y/n brought team avatar to the palace and had a talk with them about what should happen next.

"You're not technically in charge yet but what do you suggest we do?" Aang asks knowing she's a good person.

Before Y/n could answer Zuko had an idea.

"Why not do what you said you would if you ever became leader?" Zuko asks.

"That's not a bad idea but I believe there's more to it now." Y/n says.

"It feels so weird knowing it's over." Katara says.

"A little but I'm glad it is" Aang smiles.

"I never thought I would have to imprison my father or take the throne like this." Y/n laughed lightly but anyone could tell she's very nervous.

Through many months and hardships Y/n finally made sure the fire nation had no enemies. With the help of Zuko's friends and the avatar's influence she helped rebuild damaged nations and make treaties and alliances with all the nations.

She was standing on a balcony in the Northern Water Tribe where she was staying to make peace.

Zuko cokes out after he saw her there.

"You seem stressed." He says.

"Yeah a little." Y/n smiles softly.

"You need to calm down you know the nation's will agree they're probably just glad you're not crazy." Zuko says trying to be comforting.

"Yeah you're right." Y/n looks up.

"Even if they don't you'll always have me" Zuko leans his head on her shoulder and she lays her head on his head.

"Yeah? Well I'm glad a have such a great little brother." Y/n gives him a hug.

And they lived happily ever after.


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