Tamaki Suoh x Reader

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"I heard there's a new student"

"Boy or girl?"

"I sure hope its a pretty girl" 

Word around the school was a new girl was arriving a princess in fact.

"A princess?" Haruhi questioned

"Yeah she apparently knows Kyoya's family pretty well" The twins said in sync

"Oh you mean Y/n, yes she is arriving today" Kyoya confirmed

"A princess?" Tamaki butted in

"Yes we've already gone over that" Kyoya sighed

Meanwhile Y/n had just begun to step out of the car that brought her. People who were watching gasped at how pretty Y/n was. They expected her to be beautiful but it was still a shock. She walked into the school being greeted by a bunch of students. She made her way to the headmasters office and she got there so did a certain blonde.

"Ah, Miss Y/n, such a pleasure to meet you" The headmaster greeted

"The pleasure is all mine" Y/n spoke 

"Y/n this is my son Tamaki you have some of the same classes so I asked him to show you around" He explained

"It's very nice to meet you Tamaki" Y/n smiled

Tamaki guided her to her homeroom which they shared and the rest of the day she made sure she was alright like it was his responsibility. Before school let out he invited her to meet the host club.

"Oh yeah Kyoya mentioned a host club before" Y/n remarked smiling at her remembrance of what her friend had mentioned

He took her to the "abandoned" music room and opened the door.

"Guys I brought back a friend" Tamaki announced

"That's the new girl right?" Hikaru and Karou asked

"Yep and she's sweet as cake and so polite two so be nice to her please" Tamaki asked

Honey-Senpai ran up to her and she couldn't help but awe at him.

"He's so cute" Y/n smiled

"Sure is isn't he?" Tamaki confirmed

"Hey Y/n-chan will you hold Usa-chan for me?" Honey asked holding the stuffed rabbit up to her

"Of course I will" Y/n smiled as she was handed the rabbit 

Honey ran off to go greet some guests and have some cake.

"The people in this club seem so nice" Y/n complimented

"We strive to keep every single one of our guests happy with our services, and I see you've already met Tamaki" Kyoya said pushing up his glasses

"Oh yes the headmaster introduced me to him he's been really sweet" Y/n told Kyoya walking over to him Tamaki following behind her.

"And as usual you have multiple boys wrapped around your finger don't you?" Kyoya sighed motioning to the doorway where a lot of boys were standing waiting for her

"I- I don't even know why that happens" Y/n whined

"Of course you don't" Kyoya smiled his devilish grin (Idk about you guys but two of the Ikemen Prince characters remind me of Kyoya and Tamaki)

"It's because she's a pretty girl who gives of a beautiful aura" Tamaki said dramaticlly

"Do you even know what and aura is?" Kyoya asked making Tamaki deadpanned

Y/n giggled at this interaction making some of the boys at the door faint because of the cuteness of the laughed. This panicked Y/n.

"Don't worry about them their fine Y/n would you like them to leave because we can surely make that happen" Kyoya offered

"No no it's fine Kyoya their just boys no harm right?" Y/n sighed

"You sure are nice to people" Tamaki complimented

"That's why you keep getting taken advantage of" Kyoya reminded

"No it's not" Y/n said back quickly

"Yes it is" Kyoya told her

"Wait who's been taking advantage of her?" Tamaki asked

"Oh just her past boyfriends using her for fame and as a freeway to making their families companies stronger" Kyoya said

Y/n sat there with a grumpy look on her face but she looked so cute when she was mad plus she was holding a cute stuffed bunny.

Club time ended and Y/n gave Honey his bunny and made her way to the gate waiting for her car to arrive. Tamaki and some of the club had secretly followed her just to see what would happen. A kid who was notorious for breaking girls hearts came up to her.

"You're Y/n right?" He asked he may seem like he's nice but he is pure evil under that mask and non of the girls in school even recognized it other than Haruhi and a few others who were smart enough.

"That's me and you are?"

"I'm Kenji and I couldn't help but come talk to you" Kenji told her trying to woo her

"Oh that's very sweet of you" Y/n replied

"How about we go to my place" He said grabbing her hand

"Don't touch her!" Tamaki said attacking him

Y/n stood there in utter shock and disbelief. 

The rest of the club came out from the bush they were hiding behind which made Y/n even more confused.

"I'm so sorry about this but that guy only wanted your body trust me"  Haruhi said

"Yeah and I can understand why look at her" Hikaru said gesturing to Y/n

Tamaki made the guy run off and he returned to Y/n.

"Are you alright?" Tamaki asked

"I'm just fine" Y/n reassured

"Good" Tamaki confirmed

Tamaki insisted he take Y/n home and Y/n couldn't help but agree she called her driver and told him to go back home but he hadn't even left the estate. Tamaki's vehicle came shortly after and he told the driver where they needed to go. Y/n told Tamaki her address and Tamaki told the driver the address.

"So Y/n what brings the princess (insert your favorite country under monarchy) here to Japan?" Tamaki asked leaning back to rest against the car seat.

"Well my parents wanted me to have a good education so they sent me to our estate in Japan but I'm not alone the staff is always there and they make good company" Y/n explained

"Just know if you need anything I'm here" Tamaki said

Y/n smiled and nodded

They made it to the L/n estate and Y/n got out of the car.

"Thanks Tamaki see you at school tomorrow" Y/n said

"Goodbye Y/n" Tamaki said waving out the window

The end

(This is a bit short)

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