Shoto Todoroki x Reader

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Shoto had recently picked up learning the ukulele but on the exact same day he started to learn he made a new friend named Y/n. Y/n was a very quiet girl and she had a dorm right next to his. When she was alone at night he would sometimes hear her sing. He never talked about what he heard though. Right now class 1-A was in the common area and they were talking about fun things they could do over the summer.

"What about a little talent show!" Hagakure mentioned

"If we did that then we could make it more fun by saying the whole class has to do something" Kaminari chimed in

"Ohhh good idea, how about a week from now?" Momo asked for confirmation from the class

"Sounds good" Iida said confirming the plan

Y/n was sitting on the couch silent as usual but you could tell she's in deep thought. Todoroki was right beside her messing with his fingers.

"So what are you going to do for the class Y/n?" Todoroki questioned

Y/n shrugged in response. She was thinking about saying shes sick the night before so she couldn't do it.

"What about we duet a song?" Todoroki suggested

Y/n looked at him, smiled, then nodded.

Later that evening some of the class was hanging in Y/n's room. Y/n was messing with the piano in her room and others were conversing amoung themselves. Todoroki had pulled her desk chair next to the piano so they could communicate about the song they wanted to do.

"So you're agreeing to sing?"

Y/n nodded and Todoroki was shocked. The girl barely talked and she was sure she wanted to sing in front of the class.

"Thats good so how about we do something like Message in The Wind, or Disney?.... Dear Happy?" Todoroki kept suggesting songs until Y/n eyes lit up when she heard him mention Dear Happy.

"You wanna do that one?" He knew what she meant

Y/n nodded enthusiasticly

"Well we have the hard oart out of the way" Todoroki sighed

Eventually everyone left except for Shoto. Y/n was playing I won't say I'm in live on the piano and humming along.

"You wanna practice now" Shoto asked

"Mhm" Y/n agreed

Shoto picked up his ukulele and counted to 3 and began to play.

A week later the class got together outside of the dorms for safety, during the week they also thought it might be fun to have a picnic as well after the show so everyone was sitting one one of two blankets. 

Everyone's portions went by pretty fast and soon enough it was Y/n and Todoroki's turn. Some of Class B heard the commotion from Bakugo's explosions and had check to see what was going on and got invited to watch. Todoroki looked at Y/n and slowly counted to 3 before he started playing.

(I chose Lyn's cover because I tried to imagine who my voice was closet to for a more realistic view on my part and I guess its Lyn btw I love her she's so good at singing)

Everyone was shook as Y/n sang she rarely talked and now she was singing for everyone to hear. Y/n wasn't shy she just never had much to say or cared to voice her opinions. Shoto was happy she could do this with him it made him happy to hear her sing. When they finished the song everyone clapped.

"I didn't even know that she could talk!" Denki exclaimed

"Since when does Todoroki play ukulele?" Sero chimed in

People conversed while Y/n and Shoto sat down with them. Momo hugged Y/n's side and praised her for being able to share her talent with her friends. Y/n smiled and turned back to Shoto and hugged him.

"Thank you" She said clear as day

Shoto smiled and hugged back as they watched the next person preform

(oooooo look its a short chapter i thought about actually singing for this one and putting a video in this chapter)

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