Eddie Munson x Reader

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(I like eddie just not how the fans like him like "oh my boo boo bear hes softie towards Y/n" im "hah! look at his hair i love it and his style is nice man")

Y/n L/n was popular but not a bitch. She was a cheerleader, she had straight A's, and boys literally fell at her feet.

Unfortunately for those boys she had her eye on one specific member of the Hellfire Club. She never told her friends because she didn't want them to keave her but just because she wasn't forward about it didn't mean her friends weren't suspicious.

"Y/n why are you staring at the Hellfire Club's table?" Her friend Sandra asked

"Maybe she has a crush on Eddie" Another girl named May chimed in.

The whole table laughed and Y/n fake laughed to play along.

"I just zoned out and trust me I would never have a crush on Eddie." She lied

"Good Y/n because you could literally have anyone in this school that you want" Sandra told her making sure that she knew the facts

"Oh please I don't need a boyfriend I need to-"

"Hey hey ladies whatcha talkin about" Cameron said plopping on the bench and wrapping his arm around Y/n

Y/n sighed in annoyance. Cameron really liked her but she found him annoying, and the fact that mist girls actually liked him confused Y/n.

"We were joking that Y/n had a crush on Eddie" May giggled she REALLY liked Cameron

"Oh come on girls a girl as pretty as Y/n could never crush on THAT" Cameron put a finger under Y/n's chin.

If anyone was looking they could see she was very uncomfortable. Thankfully Eddie was looking and he felt the need to curb stomp Cameron.

"Anyone else think that girl over there looks uncomfortable?" Eddie asked his table who was talking amoungst themselves until they heard his voice. Mike looked over and turned back to Eddie.

"Oh yeah Cameron definitely makes Y/n uncomfortable" Mike agreed

Eddie had seen enough and had heard the girls entire conversation so he got up and walked over there. He put a hand on Cameron's shoulder.

"Y/n may be to pretty to like me but you aren't Cameron." Eddie laughed

Cameron backed away in disgust as most of the cafeteria laughed at him.

Y/n smiled at Eddie and mouthed a thank you. 

Then the bell meaning lunch was over rang. Y/n smiled at the thought of how her assigned seet was right next to Eddie in the next class. She walked into the classroom and sat down. As she was getting her notebook out Eddie came in and sat down.

"Hey Eddie thanks for scaring Cameron off at lunch is there anything I can do to lay you back?" Y/n asked

"Actually there is, come to the Hellfire meeting tonight" Eddie told her

"Alright where do I need to go and do I need to bring anything?" Y/n questioned

Eddie gave her all the details and Y/n wrote down the time and address and as she was finishing up the teacher walked in and the kesson began.

When school ended Y/n went home to grab a little bag of necessities. She waited for the time to go the the place and as she got to the house she took a deep breath and tried not to panic. She got out of her car and knocked on the door. A kid named Mike answered and took her inside down to the basement where a bunch of boys were screaming about a campaign. As she came in with Mike everyone stared at her.

"Y/n thought you'd never show" Eddie said with a smirk

"I told you I'd be here" Y/n smiled as she came down the basement stairs

"Eddie what is she doing here?" Dustin asked

"Well since she feels the need to pay me back I decided spending a bit of time around our group should be enough" Eddie told him

"Does she even know what she's doing?" Another boy questioned.

Y/n actually loved dnd so of course she knew what she was doing.

"She doesn't need to know because all she's gonna do is watch and sit there like the pretty princess she is" Eddie told the whole group.

Y/n rolled her eyes but what Eddie wants he gets because she did owe him sort of.

She sat down and the boys continued playing. She sat there and watched for about 30 minutes before Eddie turned to her.

"So how's dungeon princess doing over there" He laughed

"A lot better than your group dnd skills but other wise I'm great" Y/n smiled and Eddie looked taken a back

"You do know who you're talking to right?" Eddie asked

"A man who prefers calling me princess than my own name?" Y/n joked

Eddie rolled his eyes.

"Alright if you're so amazing I'd like to see you try and be the dungeon master" Eddie challenged her.

She got out of the chair she was sitting in and stood right in front of Eddie.

"Trust me I can do that" Y/n smiled

Eddie stood back and let her take control. He watched in shock as she literally did his job. Once everyone had to go home Eddie confronted her.

"So the dungeon princess has become the dungeon master?" Eddie questioned

Y/n rolled her eyes.

"Y'know Y/n I'd never take you for a dnd type of girl" Eddie commented

"I really do like dnd I just also like keeping a good reputation" Y/n replied

"So that's why you don't date anyone?" Eddie asked

"Yeah practically" Y/n told him

"Why don't you just leave that behind make some real friends and not have to deal with jerks" Eddie asked

"Because reputation matters even after highschool Eddie, I know you don't really care much about hiw ohers think aboy you and I admire that you're loud, and funny, and you've got a cool personality" Y/n bumped him with her elbow and smiled at him

"You're not too bad yourself L/n" Eddie laughed

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