Drunk and Clingy!Kurapika x Reader

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(A request by peexpe)

After Leorio graduated med school he and Kurapika and Y/n went out for drinks. Y/n and Kurapika had previously been dating for a while. Y/n had agreed to be the designated driver and not drink as much, she hated the taste of alcohol anyway. Kurapika had somehow drunk himself silly and was being awfully affectionate.

"Oh Y/n you're so pretty" Kurapika said leaning into her.

Y/n giggled at his behavior.

"Leorio I'm gonna get Kurapika home the alcohol has hit him" Y/n told Leorio while putting Kurapika's arm around her shoulder so he'd had support.

"Alright Y/n drive safe and be careful" Leorio smiled and they said their goodbyes.

Y/n took him out of the bar and put him in the car and buckled him up. Then she went to the driver's side, got in and fastened her seatbelt.

She looked at the blonde beside her and smiled. She started the car and started to drive home. On the way Kurapika was rambling about all sorts of things and he even repeated some things. He was complimenting you and his eyes practically shined while looking at you.

When Y/n parked in the driveway she got out then helped Kurapika. He put his arms around her waist and walked to the door with her she giggled as she unlocked it. They got inside and Y/n sat Kurapika on the couch and went to go hang their jackets up.

"Sweetheart~" Kurapika called from the living room.

"Yes?" Y/n responded

"Can you come sit with me I saved you a spot right here" Kurapika patted his leg while he said this.

Y/n started to blush at his forwardness.

"Kurapika I'm too heavy I'll crush you or something" Y/n tried to make an excuse

"Sweetheart you won't crush me I can literally carry you with ease" Kurapika slurred his words

"How about we cuddle and go to sleep?" Y/n suggested

"No come sit with me... please" Kurapika said in a pleading tone

Y/n couldn't say no. She sat in his lap and he wrapped his arms around her and held her close. She smiled warmly at him and giggled at how cuddly he's being.

Later the two found themselves asleep on the couch and they weren't gonna be getting up any time soon because Kurapika had a steel grip on her even in his sleep. She wasn't complaining though.

The next morning Y/n reached over to her phone and checked the time.

"10:47" she mumbled sleepily

Thank goodness it's the weekend.

She felt Kurapika shift around a little and she heard him groan probably having hangover effects.

"Ugh... Y/n what time is it?" Kurapika asked

"Around 10:50" Y/n told him

"I have the worst headache ever" He complained silently

"I'd bet so you drank a lot but somehow you still had a tight grip" Y/n smiled

"Gotta keep you around me somehow" Kurapika said

Y/n giggled at his statement.

She got up and got him some water and pain killers.

"Thanks baby" He said sitting up

"Its no problem" She told him

"You're an angel I swear" Kurapika laughed

"Your angel" Y/n winked at him

The rest of the day was a blur but they knew it was a good day by he time they went to bed.

(Sorry its short I had no other ideas for it)

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