My Arcana Headcanons

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- I bet Asra's really good at making people feel better

- I think he'd really like peanut butter

- He rants to Faust about his issues (Like the players who's favorites are Lucio /j)

- If he sees or hears someone disrespecting you he will confront them or use magic to get at them some how


- Asked if he can practice heart surgery on MC as a joke once and Asra slapped him

- Let's you wear his coat when you feel uncomfortable in public

- I think he'd like cough drops as a snack 


- When he sees the chickens warm up to you he plans to marry you immediately

- He doesn't like Julian near you because he's "reckless" and an "idiot"

- When he sees an animal that's hurt he takes it in until its better

- He likes cuddles... like a lot


- He makes you get out of bed in the morning to do stuff for him that he could do by him self

- Nadia adores you and it makes Lucio annoyed

- In the summer he takes off his golden arm because the metal gets too hot

- Asra and Muriel were kinda pissed when MC and Lucio started dating and plan to beat him half to death if he hurts MC (we won't on purpose


- Treats you like royalty constantly and has had the palace staff do the same

- Tea and gossip is a regular thing

- Asra had her try pumpkin bread and she absolutely loved it and she was so close to making specifically that bakery's pumpkin bread the national food of Vesuvia

- She likes the violin and she tried to learn and failed miserably and stuck to the piano


- She would be the kind of girl to yell at misogynist and embarrass them in public

- Wants to write a book about gardening 

- Asra is teaching her more and more magic and things about herself as time 

- Muriel is very protective of Portia since she's a good person and too sweet sometimes

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