Male!Rival Osoro x Reader

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(Lana Del Ray inspired me, her music is just magical and makes me feel creative)

Y/n L/n, a good girl, with good grades, an amazing personality, and great looks. Most girls were jealous and most boys had crushes. You could say she was quite popular. 

"Y/n can you help me with my homework I didn't understand the lesson" Kokona asked

"Why of course let's pick a time to meet up you have a number I have to get to the student council room" Y/n told Kokona while walking backward to talk to her so she could keep moving towards the place she was going.

"Alright, Thank you!" Kokona said

Y/n turned back around and and bumped into someone.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't looking where I was going" Y/n said to the person she had bumped into.

Her breath hitched when she realized that she had bumped into Osoro, the leader of the schools delinquents.

"Just watch where your walking and don't let it happen again" Osoro said walking past her

Y/n sighed and thanked the lord that she was alright after that run in.

Y/n quickly walked to the council room. The door was open and only the president was inside. Y/n knocked on the door frame to announce herself

Ah yes Y/n please come in" Megamo told her

Y/n entered the room and moved to stand in front of the desk Megamo was sitting behind.

"So what did you need me for Megamo?" Y/n asked smiling

"Y/n, you're a nice girl and you know we have some students at Academi who don't care much for rules" Megamo started

"The kids who stay behind the school by the incinerator?" Y/n asked

"Yes and the reason I called you here is because of Osoro, the delinquents follow him and do what he does. So since you have the uncanny ability to change people's hearts I'm suggesting you befriend Osoro. The counselor wanted me to talk to you about it I'm not the fondest of the idea so im giving you pepper spray to protect yourself" Megamo said

"Uhhh I don't know I don't think Osoro would want me around him I bumped into him in the hall earlier he probably thinks I'm a total idiot who can't watch where they're going" Y/n said trying to make an excuse not to get beat to death by the delinquents

"You bumped into him and he didn't yell at you or hurt you?" Megamo said acting surprised

"No he just told me to watch where I was going and to not do it again" Y/n said shrugging

Megamo and Y/n discussed the situation for a while. Y/n walked out of the office holding her new pepper spray and with the promise that she would try to be his friend. Y/n sighed.

"Well I already made a promise might as well go through with it" Y/n said to herself make her way to the incinerator where the delinquents normally hung out. She walked up to the delinquents who were standing around a radio.

"Hi I-" 

"Go away" One of delinquents said cutting her off

"I'm sorry I won't be leaving I have to talk to Osoro," Y/n said smiling at the group of boys

The boys were surprised someone stood up for themselves around them, she also smiled at them which dumbfounded them even more.

"What's going on?" A voice from behind Y/n said

"This chick needs to talk to you" One of the delinquents said

Y/n turned around and smiled at Osoro.

"Yeah, so I made a promise to Megamo that I'd try to befriend you and I didn't want to bother you but the counselor and Megamo insisted that I did" Y/n explained as calmly as possible so it didn't seem like she was scared.

Osoro didn't know what it was but he felt something inside of him, it felt nice. 

"Fine we can act like we are friends so Megamo will get off your back, no one likes him anyways, but you owe me pretty girl" Osoro said trying to make an excuse to be her friend but not seem desperate to be her friend

"Great then here's my number I have to go to a club meeting" Y/n said handing him a piece of paper with her number on it then she left.

"Dude do you have a crush on her or something" One of his friends asked

"No." Osoro lied he didn't want to tell anyone about it because he knows if people found out the toughest guy in the school was dating a sweet girl like her people will question her and make her feel uncomfortable in the relationship and then she'll break his heart.

About a month later Y/n and Osoro really did become friends. People began to see changes in all the delinquents, especially Osoro. Y/n also developed a crush on Osoro once she got to know him.

"Y/n, you've made some great progress so far" Megamo said walking with her to her next class

"I know and its actually been kinda nice those boys are actually really kind deep down" Y/n told him with a genuine smile on her face

The two were interupted by Kokona running up to them.

"Hi Kokona" Y/n gretted

"Y/n I saw someone put a note in your locker" Kokona said out of breath

"Really? I guess I'll check quickly I have a bit of time before geometry" Y/n said

"You go ahead Y/n, I'll see you in class, don't be late" Megamo said walking away

"Thanks for telling me Kokona" Y/n said starting to walk away

"Anytime!" Kokona said acting like she totally didn't get forced by one of the delinquents who got forced by Osoro

Y/n opened her locker and a note fell out. She picked up the note and opened it. She read the note quickly.

"Huh I guess I'll meet them after school" Y/n then speed walked to class because running isn't allowed and she made it just in time.

"So Y/n what was the note about?" Megamo asked

"Someone wants me to meet them by the cherry tree that people call "The Confession Tree" Y/n told him

"And that doesn't make you think that someone might confess to you there?" Megamo said

"Oh! I didn't think about that" Y/n said facepalming

Class started and ended in the blink of an eye. Y/n couldn't stop thinking about who would confess to her or if it's just someone who needed to meet a spot everyone knows about. When the bell rang Y/n started to walk outside to the tree. It was club time so almost no one would be outside but the gardening club but the garden is surrounded by a big hedge. Y/n walked up to the cherry tree to see Osoro leaning against it.


"Hey Y/n"

"Why did you want to meet here" Y/n asked because she's totally clueless just like almost every other main character

"Y/n, you're so oblivious I want to confess to you!" Osoro told her 

"You're not pranking me right" Y/n said walking towards him

"No... I really do have feelings for you, you've made me feel something deep down inside that I've never felt before" Osoro said putting his hands on her shoulders

Y/n wrapped her arms around his torso and hugged him

"If you start getting emotional I will gag" Osoro said blankly

"I love you too, Osoro" Y/n said




"Finally!" Someone yelled it was Umeji one of Osoro's "friends"

(This took me forever to write)

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