Mha: When you fight someone

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Im gonna try to make this good

Quirk: Water Manipulation

Description: Being able to control water based or liquids and also forming water from your hands which can be heated or frozen just take katara from ATLA


- A little scared honestly

- Y/n probably beat the shit out if Mineta, some villain, or her sparing partner

- Records the event down in his journal for future reference

- Asks about your workouts


- Surprised but very proud

- UA sports festival was not fun for the person Y/n fought

- Told you to fight him later on

- Thought your true strength was badass


- Not shocked not surprised just confused why you never fought like that before

- Wants to train with you

- Gives you some water and snacks because you probably overused your quirk


- Thinks you looked very manly in a womanly way

- Gets you water to stay hydrated

- Tells the Bakusquad all about it later even though they saw it

- Tells you you're awesome


- Thought you looked hot

- Tried to flirt with you and failed

- "Hey cutie you could break my skull between those thighs~" (He means it jokingly)


- Tells you things like "Beat his ass Y/n!!"

- Cheers you on

- Ready for you to come and sleep on his shoulder


- Hypes you up

- Calls you things like "Queen" and "Mamas"

- Afterwards you have a girls night :D


- Asks tons of questions

- Her mind is blown

- Gives you a hug


- Congratulates you

- Asks if you're done raging and if you feel better

- Makes you go apologize to the person you sent to recovery girl


- Same as Iida but makes you snacks and a water bottle


- Thinks its cool you can kick butt

- Asks if you're alright

- Tells you that you looked strong and badass


- Cheers you on the whole way

- She's like your personal cheerleader

- Made a sign that says 'Go Y/n'


- Takes you swimming afterwards

- Makes you relax

- Trys to help calm you down


- Bakes for you

- Tells you that you looked amazing out there


- Let's you hold his bunny

- Sits with you until you're able to breath at a normal pace


- Gives you a nice hug

- Compliments you


- "You looked dazzling"

- Gives you cheese

- Tells you that you're so strong but at the same time fabulous


- Got curb stomped


- Mind controls you to calm down

- Tells you "You looked cool"

- Animal crossing or Stardew Valley afterwards


- Got curb stomped

- If you like him then he makes fun if you and somehow compliments you at the same time

(bro i wont remember any of class b's names but ill describe them)


- A little scared

- Thinks you're cool

- "That was awesome!"


- "Good job Y/n you sure showed them"

- High fives

- Lots of hugs


- Cheered you on

- Holds your hand and get you rehydrated

- Tells everyone about hiw great you are


- Mumbles a congrats

- "You did good"

- puts you in the shade

(I cant do anymore students im gonna get a headache)


- It was a villian

- He told you you did well

- made sure you're alright

- Saw you use something similar to blood bending and started jokingly calling you a witch after that


- "Woooo! Go Y/n! What a badass!"

- Compliments hes given cant be counted


- "Nice one pretty girl"

- Holds your waist with one arm

- Uses her quirk to get you to sleep

All Might:

- Speechless

- "Y/n don't kill them!"

- Had to hold you back so the authorities wouldn't get hurt


- Quiet about it

- Probably asked you to join the league

- If you joined he's nice to you


- The person who you almost killed said something about Dabi's scars

- "...Y/n i think their dead"

- Acts oike its nothing but he's proud


- Really excited about seeing how strong you are

- Takes a blood sample from the person you fought while their dead or unconscious

(I cant write like this ;-;)

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