Elliot x Reader

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(I love stardew valley sm its my favorite video game Elliot is literally my favorite video game character ever)

After Y/n had moved to the valley she found herself spending a lot of time around a writer named Elliot.

She found his love for nature and writing endearing and admirable, something she can relate to as a nature and literature lover.

Y/n woke up one morning. A Saturday morning. She started doing her chores like feeding and petting her animals and making sure her crops were getting good water and were growing right. It was a good day so far.

(God damn I keep having mental breakdowns while I try and write)

She decides to go down to the beach and forage. She could use more coral for beach totems anyway (me fr).

She was picking up some coral outside of Elliot's shack. It was early morning so Elliot was just coming outside and to his surprise the prettiest farmer in the valley (the only farmer in the valley) was at his door step.

"Good morning Y/n" Elliot smiled

(I totally didn't almost put my farmer Oc's name)

"Oh-! Morning Elliot" Y/n said happily.

"Foraging this early?" He asked

"Mhm I finished my chores early"

"That's nice. No trouble with the chickens?" He smiles

"Nope" Y/n giggled at the fact he remembered her chicken troubles.

"Well tonight is the dance of the moonlight jellies would you like to sit with me tonight" Elliot asked

"Of course! I'm super excited to see the jellyfish for the first time" Y/n mentioned this with major excitement in her eyes.

"Trust me you'll be in awe." Elliot says

Later that night Y/n made her way to the beach and talked to everyone. She talked to all her friends. She made jokes with Willy and got scared by Sebastian who jokingly said he would push her in and then gave her a light shove. When she made her way to the dock area she saw Elliot standing alone looking thoughtful. She made her way to him earning 'hellos' from the people she passed. She stood by Elliot looking up at him and raising a brow.

"Something wrong Elliot?" She questioned. She could only wonder what was traveling through the writer's mind.

"If we keep polluting the ocean, the jellies will surely go extinct. It's already in the process of happening. What a shame...we have no respect for nature anymore." Elliot sighs.

"Oh... Elliot I'm sure we can come up with a solution right?" Y/n said trying to be optimistic.

"Possibly..." Elliot paused pondering what could they possibly do.

Lewis announced he's going to launch the candle boat. Elliot slightly smiled. Lewis launched the boat and moments later the jellyfish came to the dock. Y/n eyes went wide with awe. Elliot looked at her with an endearing look. He wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close and she laid her head on his shoulder allowing it. They gazed upon the waters together and soon enough a rare green jellie swam right up to Y/n.

"There's a myth that says if the green jellie swims up to you you're meant for greatness." Elliot tells her staring at the green and blues of the waters in front of them.

(That's my take on why the green jellyfish swims up to the farmer)

"Really?" Rose looks up at him.

"Mhm, and I think this jellyfish is right."

"You think so?" She asked.

"No. I know" Elliot smiles.

Y/n smiles to herself. She was happy to be here, with Elliot. He keeps his arm around her and kisses her forehead. Y/n's cheeks immediately flared up.

"Did you not like it? I'm so sorry" Elliot said.

"No no no I liked it!" Y/n reassured him.

"Really?" He asked


(Sorry I've been absent I've been dealing with life)

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