Aizawa x Gardener!Reader

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"Class dismissed" Aizawa dismissed his students grabbed his paperwork and headed for the staff dorms.

He was walking down the path but slowed when he saw a woman who looked about his age. She was busy gardening. He didn't know UA hired a gardener.

She was on her knees gardening planting clusters of flowers

"I didn't know UA had a gardener" Aizawa said

"Oh! Hey and yeah I've been here since the school year started" Y/n said turning around a bit

"Why haven't I seen you around" Aizawa asked

"I have no idea honestly I teach the plant biology class and I live in the staff dorms" Y/n told him standing up taking of her gardening gloves

Aizawa took this time to examine her features and outfit. She was gorgeous if he was being honest. He didn't notice how long he was staring which confused Y/n.

"Uhhh are you ok sir?" Y/n asked

"Oh? Yes I'm fine" He said

"You're the class 1-A teacher right?" Y/n questioned noticing him from a few news reports on the class

"Yes that's me my name's Shota Aizawa" He told her

"Well I'm Y/n L/n" Y/n told him

Aizawa bid her a goodbye and started to walk away but didn't get that far.

"Can I walk to the dorm with you? I finished up" Y/n asked

"Sure" Aizawa said and continued walking

As time went on Y/n and Aizawa became closer and Y/n caught feelings but decided to push them down because Aizawa wouldn't want a girl like her.

"Mr. Aizawa! Who was that lady we always see you hanging out with?" Mina asked genuinly excited

"The school gardener and a teacher." Aizawa said blankly

"Is she your girlfriend" Hagakure joined in with Mina asking questions


Just as luck would have it Y/n was right outside the class 1-A room arranging a vase of plants

"Oh my gosh there she is!" Mina yelled

"Calm down!" Aizawa yelled to no avail. Most of his students we now peeking through the door.

Aizawa moved his way through his students who were blocking the door and walked out the door.

"Y/n nice to see you" Aizawa greeted

"Oh Shota how are y- um aren't you supposed to be teaching your classes right now" Y/n asked peering over at the kids piling at the door.

"Yeah but they decided to waste my time so I'll kill that time talkin to you" He told her

"Oh alright" Y/n said happily

Aizawa was concentrating on her hands... No ring.

"Y/n I have some questions!" Mina popped put the door making Aizawa turn around to look at her and glare.

"Ask away" Y/n smiled

"What's your quirk"

"Plant Manipulation"

"Where did you work before here"

"My flower shop I still run it"

"Do you have a significant other"


"Ok, I'm done" Mina said going back into the classroom where everyone was still at the door just staring

"Y/n I have a serious question but let's go around the corner" Aizawa said

"Alright?" Y/n replied confused

They went around the corner and Aizawa put his hands on her shoulders.

"Y/n, I like you a lot and out in the hall you told Mina you had no significant other, I want to be that other" Aizawa told her

Y/n didn't reply but kissed his cheek unknowingly getting some lipstick on it.

"I like you a lot too" Y/n said smiling then slipping away back to the vase she was working on

Aizawa went back to the classroom and when he approached the door the students all scrambled away to sit in their desks.

"Sir you have lipstick on your cheek" Iida told him

"Oh well" Aizawa replied wiping it off with his sleeve

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