Kusuo Saiki x Reader

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(Look at spider saiki <3)

Y/n was an average girl with an average life the only thing is her so called average life wasn't average she had a certain psychic highschooler had an interest in her. He didn't view it as anything more than admiration that she was so normal and not annoying. It was a crush.... only God knew that for sure and Kusuo did too deep down.

Y/n was walking through the halls taking her normal route to her locker. Boys around this age can be rowdy so she got shoved by accident.

She fell right into Kusuo's arms like a cliche love story.

"Oh- Saiki thanks for catching me" She said taking a step back from him and bowing politely.

Kusuo nodded and moved on praying that no one would bother him about it, and as he thought that thought Toritsuka showed up.

"Hey Saiki who's that pretty girl you were holding?" He asked like he was interested in her

"No one" Saiki told him

"Sure about that?" Toritsuka said like he knew Saiki had a crush

"Be quiet" Saiki glared at him

"Sheesh dude" Toritsuka put his hands up defensively

"What a pain"

When the bell rang for school to end Saiki headed out with his "friends" in tow. They were walking out the school gate when they saw the school bully picking on Y/n.

'That idiot!' Saiki thought

He went over and grabbed Y/n's hand and dragged her away like it was nothing. She had tears in her eyes from being bullied but she looked thankful for Saiki. His friends were going nuts over the fact he'd be so bold especially Kaido.

"Thanks Saiki for saving me... again" Y/n said while wiping her eyes

"No problem" He spoke and then he let go of her hand

"You always seem to be in some sort of danger Y/n you should get a boyfriend to keep you safe" Toritsuka said suggesting it should be him

Y/n giggled.

"Maybe I should" Y/n smiled

"Oooo my buddy here seems to have interest in you why not him" Nendou said giving Saiki a small push towards Y/n. (Be grateful for Nendou)

'Dammit Nendou' Saiki thought

"Nendou you know Saiki wouldn't want to date me" Y/n smiled at him it was a sad smile but no one knew except for Saiki of course.

"I would" Saiki stated plainly

"Huh?!" The boys said in unison

"Really?" Y/n said confused

Saiki nodded.

She smiled at him.

"So... Saiki would you like to be my boyfriend?" Y/n asked a bit hesitantly

Saiki nodded once more.

"You said you had eyes for another though- you liked Saiki the whole time didn't you?" Toritsuka said finally realizing it

They all walked home together and when Saiki and Y/n were the last one's and they arrived at Kusuo's house his mother stepped outside.

"Hey Kusuo who's this lovely girl you brought with you" She asked (Saiki's mom is literally amazing)

"This is Y/n L/n she's my girlfriend don't go crazy" Saiki explained

She gasped

"Awww! my baby finally found a girl he likes?"

She gets his dad and brings both teens inside. The two are ecstatic that their little Ku finally found a girlfriend.

"She's so cute she's like a doll"

"How'd you get him to like you?"

"Aren't they cute"

About an hour later Y/n mentioned she should get home and Saiki offered more like insisted without insisting he'd walk her since it's just down the street.

They walk together and take their time and once they get there Y/n turns to him. She unexpectedly gave Saiki a kiss on the cheek.

"See you tomorrow" Y/n said before going inside.

Kusuo stood there stunned but in a good way. He smiled to himself then went back home.

The next day at school Teruhashi had heard about Y/n's and Kusuo's relationship. (Toritsuka told her)

'What does she have that I don't?!' Teruhashi thought

Kusuo had heard her thoughts as usual and in his head he was listing off things that made Y/n better.

'The way she feels towards others, she's not annoying, doesn't follow me like a stalker, the list goes on' He thought

(btw i like Teruhashi but they could've done her character a bit better in my opinion a lot of animes suck at female characters not all but a good bunch)

Y/n walked to her locker just like always without missing a beat. Saiki saw her and didn't hesitate to walk up to her.

"Hey" He said startling her because she didn't know he was there at first.

She jumped a bit in shock but sighed in relief when she saw it was Saiki.

"Hi and good morning" She smiled at him

About a year later Saiki and Y/n were still dating. He eventually had to tell her that he's a psychic. He opens up to her a lot but for the first time he's worried he'll lose someone important to him.

He invited her over to his place and made her sit down on his bed.

"Promise not to tell anyone" Saiki asked

"I promise" Y/n said hoping it wasn't something like 'I'm a murderer'.

"I have psychic powers I know it sounds crazy but I've had them since birth" Saiki told her.

He explained everything to her. She seemed to be puzzled and surprised. At least she didn't scream.

"So you're a psychic and you use your abilities to your advantage and other's that you care for" Y/n asked

"Yes basically" Kusuo confirmed

"That's a lot" Y/n said taking a deep breath

"I know but at least you aren't freaking out or screaming" Saiki sighed

"Yeah screaming wouldn't be a good reaction" Y/n chuckled

"You're fine with this right you won't leave me over knowing about this?" Kusuo asked

"Kusuo I'm not gonna leave you did you think I was?"

"No I just was making sure" He said like it was nothing

She hugged him for a second because he's not really the physical affection type but she was so she tried to keep it short but Kusuo decided to actually hug back.

"I'm being honest for once I thought I'd lose you and I hate that" Kusuo said

"I promise Kusuo I won't leave you"


The end

(Im getting back into my flow guys :D)

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