Kurapika x Scarlet Eyes!Reader

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(I'm making Leorio, Kurapika, and Y/n young adults)

Kurapika was a bit pissed because Leorio somehow got him to a concert with Gon and Killua. He doesn't care for places that are crowded and loud plus pop music isn't really his thing. Leorio rambles about this pop star all the time her name is Y/n. The crowd was going nuts and she wasn't even on stage yet.

"C'mon Kurapika she's got some cool music and she's got eyes like yours" Gon said casually

"Wait is she just albino or is it special effects?" Kurapika asked not believing there was another with the scarlet eyes, there couldn't be. Could there?

A count down went off for Y/n to go on stage


"Hello (insert a city here)" Y/n announced the crowd erupted into cheers except for Kurapika.

He was in pure shock about what he was seeing. Y/n L/n, he thought she was dead. He wasn't sure it was the right Y/n but it sure looked like his childhood friend. Same hair color, eye color, skin tone, everything was the same except she was older and famous.

Y/n got started with her first song of the night. The track started playing and and the crowd was dancing. She locked eyes with Kurapika and seemed shocked for a second she kept preforming like it was nothing but glanced at him every now and then. The concert ended and Y/n kindly asked security to try to catch Kurapika and his friends at the door and bring them to her. The security did as told and it concerned the boys a little until they realized what was happening. They were brought up to the stage and Y/n was sitting on the edge of it.

"I only have one question and you guys can leave"

Y/n hopped off the stage and walked up to Kurapika.

"Is your name Kurapika Kurta and do you have the scarlet eyes?"

"Yes Y/n it's me" Kurapika said looking down Y/n immediately hugged him

Everyone else was confused.

"Kurapika you know her?!" Gon chirped

"Yes we grew up together I thought she was dead honestly..." Kurapika looked ashamed it was his fault his people died

Y/n smiled but she had tears in her eyes. She also decided it would be nice for them to stay in contact and Kurapika introduced his friends to her. The two were happy to see each other again and Y/n did end up crying and ruining her makeup but it was ok it was an emotional time for both of them.

3 months passed and Y/n and Kurapika talked everyday and would even hang out when Y/n was free only to be interrupted by paparazzi. Both Kurapika and Y/n had grown feelings for each other. Y/n invited Kurapika and her friends to her house so they wouldn't be bothered because most people didn't make it past the gate. Y/n has a pool so she thought it would be fun to swim and Alluka, Killua's little sister tagged along. Y/n was wearing a cute swim suit and a sort of see through cover up.

"Welcome you guys" Y/n gretted them as soon as they showed up and gasped when she saw Alluka.

"She's adorable! I hope you don't mind me saying that" She said to Alluka

"It's fine and thank you" Alluka assured her smiling

Y/n smiled back and went to hug Kurapika that's kinda become their thing when they see each other. They all followed Y/n back to her pool and everyone began playing. Y/n turned on some music and sat by the pool with her feet in the water she wasn't ready to get in yet.

"So Y/n do you have a partner" Leorio asked her

"Oh- no I don't it's kinda hard to get with genuine people after fame there's people who will use you and all sorts of things" Y/n explained

Kurapika was a bit mad Leorio was flirting with Y/n. Jealously isn't normal for him but Kurapika expected that yes he was very jealous. Kurapika decided to get off the chair he was sitting in and go sit right by Y/n. Nothing too crazy just sitting with his friends because he was "bored". Y/n mentioned going inside and getting lemonade for everyone. Kurapika immediately volunteered to help her and the two dried off their feet and went inside to the kitchen.

"Thanks for helping me Kurapika it's very kind of you" Y/n said while getting lemonade out of the fridge.

"It's no problem" Kurapika told her while getting some cups out of a cabinet and setting them on a counter.

Y/n started pouring drinks and Kurapika put his chin on her shoulder while standing behind her. Y/n was fine with this and was trying so hard not to blush because her crush was so close to her right now.

"Y/n I need to tell you something but no matter what you say promise to still be my friend" Kurapika said

"Of course I don't know what you could say to change our friendship"

"I love you a lot Y/n and I know you most likely don't feel the same way"

Y/n kissed his lips quickly and hugged him.

"I love you too Kurapika"

"Ew! Romace gross!" Killua exclaimed speed walking away from the scene.

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