Hilda x Female!Werewolf Reader

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(Thank you @Coolpossum0516 for the request this one was fun to make and TW: animal killing)

Tonight is a full moon and in a village at the bottom of a valley everyone was hiding their livestock, for every full moon a beast ravages animals and leaves no trace except for it's prey's deceased bodies. Our story starts with a young girl named Y/n, aka the horrible monster the town fears. Little do they know that the monster is her and that she is the last of her kind. Y/n grew up in the village and as she got older her werewolf form got bigger and her werewolf instincts got stronger and more out of hand. Y/n starts every full moon by running into the forest to distance herself from the village in hopes that she doesn't make a mess off the livestock. Nightfall came and her body gave her no choice but to switch forms. She is normally in control of her wolf form but this time she wasn't. She spent the night hunting which eventually ended up with her killing most of the villages cows and sheep. The next morning she was in her bed and back to normal. She got up and opened the door to a commotion outside. She was the cause. She walked out and saw Farmer Milton with a distraught look on his face.

"Mr. Milton what's wrong?" Y/n asked walking up to him

"OH Y/n that bloody monster got most of my stock for this year which means I won't be making much profit" Milton told her gesturing to a cow with its stomach ripped open

"I-I'm so sorry that happened Mr. Milton" Y/n apologized

"It's not your fault Y/n don't worry" 

"Y/n!" Hilda called from down the road

"Hey Hilda" Y/n said acting casual

"Me, Frieda, and David were gonna go look for that monster tonight, wanna come with us?" Hilda asked

"Oh no thanks Hilda you know I'm not the one for adventure" Y/n sheepishly said

"Alright see you later then" Hilda bid her a goodbye

Y/n couldn't help but feel bad. She destroyed the town's biggest export and put a bunch of people with less profit than normal. She was overthinking about how they'll feed their families or the remaining animals they have, or how they'll support themselves. Those worries have simple answers. Most of the animal sellers in the area own their property and live off the land and plus if the towns people saw them in need they would help. Y/n spent the rest of the day overthinking and thinking about how to stop her wolf from doing these awful acts. She laid on her bed with her cat and spent her time staring at the ceiling. Night came once again and Y/n drug herself out to the woods. She sat on a stump waiting for the change to happen. Meanwhile Hilda and her friends had positioned themselves in a cave waiting for the beast. And luck would have it that it was a bear cave. A mother bear with her cubs to be specific. The kids were deep in the cave and cornered. Y/n heard their screams and sprinted toward the cave. As she got closer she realized those were her friends screams. She sped up and entered the cave running full force at the bear who was about to mawl her friends to death. She shoved her self into the bear knocking it over. The bear turned toward Y/n and started advancing toward her. She eventually tired the bear out enough to escape with her friends. She drug them into the forest to distance themselves from the cave. Y/n dropped her friends and started to walk away without realizing morning has broken and that she had transformed back. 

"Y/n?" Frieda questioned


"So you're the monster" David deadpanned

"Yeah.." Y/n admitted

"That's ok Y/n I still care for you just the same werewolf or not" Hilda hugged Y/n and Y/n hugged back and all was well in the end.

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