Eret x Royal!Elytran!Reader

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(trying a new style if writing please comment if you like this better i found this in my old draft book)
Title: My Cinderella
AU: Royalty AU
Type: Fluff
Eret was attending an event hosted by Sir Technoblade. People were going around and making good impressions on people but Eret was just standing near a wall. He decided to go out on an open balcony but to his surprise he found a woman who looked about his age in a beautiful evening gown just staring off into the distance. She had wings which intrigued him even more. "Good evening" Eret said making his presence known. The woman jumped a little and turned around to look at who was there. "Good evening to you too sir" the woman replied politely doing a courtesy and in response Eret bowed. "So what brings you away from the party?" She asked him. "It was just boring and I would much rather have good company than bad company. Wouldn't you agree?". "That makes sense better than being bored to death by business deals and small talk" Y/n said turning around looking up at the stars. "So let me guess you're Y/n heir to the kingdom of Elytra, your father is Philza? There are many rumors about your mother being a goddess" Eret guessed. "Yep that's me" Y/n said looking nervous about the rumors. "Well Miss Y/n my name is Eret, Prince of the Dreamland" (I'm calling it that instead of the dream smp) "That's impressive your kingdom must be lucky to have you" Y/n complimented. Eret was about to make a witty compliment to back but he got interrupted by Technoblade calling everyone to gather together for an important announcement. "I have to go I hope I can see you again" Y/n said rushing to get with her family so Techno could make his announcement with his family "Friends and family is pleases me to say that this night has been wonderful so far we are very honored to have so many wonderful people under one roof, I am also "happy" to announce my sister Y/n is now able to find suitors. We will now begin the dancing portion of the night so please feel free to find someone to dance with and dance the night away" The crowd applauded Technoblade. You could see Technoblade cringe at the last part because he knew he would have to dance with Y/n because they're siblings. You could see the same expression on Y/n's face. It's not like they didn't like each other they have a wonderful bond but they feel like dancing is unnecessary in a sibling relationship but Philza says otherwise because Y/n was gonna have to dance with her three brothers just so Phil could get a photographer to take nice unforced looking sibling pictures. Y/n, Techno, Wibur and Tommy all looked at each other then at their dad. "Y/n please tell us you can go dance with someone out there" Wilbur said out of the blue. "I mean I could dance with George or something?" Y/n shrugged. "No not George seems too desperate" Technoblade replied quickly. "What about that Eret guy he seems nice I talked to him earlier!" Y/n remarked remembering him. "...Go" Tommy ushered Y/n down a few steps to the staircase Techno made his announcement from. Y/n lifted her dress so she wouldn't trip and made her way to Eret before her dad could stop talking to BadBoyHalo and make the siblings dance. "Hello again Princess care for a dance?" Eret said playfully bowing. "As a matter of fact I'd love to dance with you" Y/n replied smiling. Eret extended his hand and Y/n placed her hand in his and one hand on his shoulder, Eret put his hand around her waist and they began to dance. They talked and became a bit dizzy from dancing but Philza had given up on getting pictures at that point. He already had too many pictures of his kids anyway. Y/n and Eret decided to go back to the balcony they met at. They talked until Eret eventually had to leave along with everyone else but family and Tubbo. "So little miss Y/n has a boyfriend" Philza said making her brothers silently laugh at her. "Pfft- I don't need a king" Y/n told her dad making him take her hands and give her a proud but sad look. Y/n sighed. "Dad I'm sure I don't need a king but that doesn't mean I don't want to find love" Y/n reassured her father. "You're a wild one just like your brothers" Philza sighed. The boys all turned and gave their dad offended looks. Y/n bid them goodnight and went to her room. She bathed and put on her nightgown. Y/n flopped on her bed and feel asleep almost immediately. In the morning there was a knock at her door. She got up and opened it to a butler that Techno only referred to as "Butler" he rarely talked but when he did it was always interesting. "Good morning sir" Y/n yawned stretching her wings out. "You received a letter this morning" Ranboo said handing her the letter. She politely took and and opened it. Ranboo left and she went back into her room and shut the door behind her. She opened the letter from its envelope.

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