Kyoka Jirou x Reader

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Y/n and Kyoka have been attached at the hip since elementary school. Best of friends and they know everyone about each other. Well Y/n doesn't know one think about Kyoka. Kyoka has had a huge crush on Y/n since the start of High School. They got into the hero course together and everything changed. Kyoka saw a whole different side of Y/n as training allowed Y/n to use her quirk more freely. She always had a look of euphoria in her eyes when she used her quirk it was like she let loose and relief and happiness washed over her. It was so magical to Jirou.

"Kyoka! There's gonna be a school talent show case and the class want to do song and dance thing!" Y/n said running up to Jirou

"Oh? That sounds fun is it optional to participate?" Jirou asked

"Nope but since you're good at singing I thought maybe you should be the lead singer and song writer" Y/n suggested

"Y/n... No I love you but I don't think my skills are good enough for the class I'm sure there's someone else." Jirou told her

Somehow Y/n managed to get Jirou to the common area where the class was seeing who could sing the song. Most everyone was forced to sing. Some were awful some were great but Y/n got really excited when it was Jirou's turn. Y/n didn't notice Mineta sitting right by her until he touched her thigh. Y/n almost screamed and jumped off the couch she was sitting on. 

"Y/n? What's wrong?" Jirou asked

"Mineta touched my thigh" Y/n said quietly clinging to Jirou

"You little perv stay away from her asshole" Jirou said stabbing him with her earphone jacks

"Let's just go" Jirou told Y/n, she nodded in response

"But Jirou you haven't sang for us yet" Mina whined

"Later... my best friend is more important to me than singing in a school showcase" Jirou said grabbing Y/n's hand and walking down the hallway to her room and slamming the door behind her. 

Jirou picked up Y/n sat on her bed and put Y/n in her lap. Y/n was redder than a tomato.


"Y/n I really like you I don't know if its obvious or not but as you can tell I'm not happy about a boy touching you like that especially a perv like Mineta"

Y/n positioned herself to straddle Jirou's waist because it was more comfortable and plus she could make eye contact. Jirou and Y/n sat in a comfortable silence til Jirou kissed her lips and Y/n returned the affection. Denki knocked and entered the room. He gasped and pointed at the two girls.

"Finally!" Denki shouted celebrating

"Seriously Denki we were having a moment" Jirou said playfully glaring at him

"Gosh sorry I'll leave so you two can make out" Denki teased while leaving the room

"So wanna be my girlfriend Y/n" Jirou asked

"I'd love nothing more"

During the next week it was like nothing had changes for Y/n and Jirou they were always by each other and showed their love in private. Jirou was still very protective of Y/n seeing that she was her girlfriend but that didn't stop some people's advances. Y/n was busy designing a costume for the boys and girls while others around her were working on the dance with Mina. The third years were also in the area working on their thing. 

"Hey L/n" Third year Evan Adams walked up to Y/n who was sitting on the stage with her legs dangling off the edge

"Oh hey b/n (boy name)" 

"Whatcha doin?" He asked looking over at her sketchpad

"Working on costume designs for our preformance, is there anything you need b/n" Y/n said putting her sketches down beside her

"Nothing to much I was just wondering if maybe you'd like to go on a date after this festival is over?" B/n sheepishly asked

"Oh I'm sorry B/n I'm not single and I like girls" Y/n apologized

"You could just tell me if you didnt want to go out with me you don't have to lie to me!" B/n shouted

"I-I'm not lying to you" Y/n skiddishly said back

"The fuck you aren't Y/n!" B/n had everyone's attention on him and Y/n 

You could see Y/n's friends angry and someone holding Kirishima and Kaminari back.

"Who do you think you are talking to my girlfriend like that you prick!" Jirou had used her earphone jacks to stab him making him double over.

Y/n hopped off the stage and ran over behind Jirou. B/n stood back up and dusted himself off.

"You're not even that cute anyway" B/n said walking off

"What a douche bag" Jirou said turning around to face Y/n 

"Yeah..." Y/n said looking down

"You wanna go sit with me while we rehearse the song?" Jirou asked

"Yeah." Y/n grabbed her sketchpad and listened to the "band" play


"It isn't very manly to disrespect women is it?" Kirishima said pulling B/n behind a wall with Kaminari fallowing close behind

They beat the crap out of him and then went back to what they were doing before.

Kirishima and Kaminari protectors of lesbians and all

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