Raihan x Reader

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(Raihan is amazing and one of my favorite gym leaders)

Y/n woke up to the morning sun shining in her eyes. She groaned and was about to get up and out of bed but a pair of arms around her waist stopped her.

"Y/nnnn, stay in bed pleeassee" Raihan begged

Raihan isn't a morning person and will normally stay in bed on the weekends when he doesn't have to go do gym leader or world coronation stuff.

"I guess I'll stay with you for a few more minutes" Y/n said laying back down and scooching towards Raihan

Y/n ended up falling asleep with Raihan and slept for 3 more hours until she woke up again. She sat up and stretched her arms and neck. Raihan sat up too because he decided it was time to get up. Y/n got out of the bed and walked to the kitchen to make something for lunch because they slept through breakfast. She looked in the cabinets and the fridge and there was nothing for her to make something with because it was grocery shopping day.

"Uggh I gotta go grocery shopping today" Y/n groaned she wanted to be lazy today because she already slept in 3 hours

She walked back to the bedroom to get dressed and Raihan was still sitting in bed. Y/n picked out an outfit that she really liked because of the butterflies on it.

 Y/n picked out an outfit that she really liked because of the butterflies on it

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"Where are you going love?" Raihan asked

"Grocery shopping wanna come with me?" Y/n said

"Yeah, give me a few and I'll be ready" Raihan said slowly getting out of the bed

Y/n's wurmple came into Y/n and Raihan's shared bedroom to see Y/n and maybe Raihan too.

"Wurmple you wanna go grocery shopping today dearie" Y/n said picking up the pokemon

That wurmple was practically her child she even carried it like one.

Y/n then walked out of the room to go feed Raihan's pokemon and hers.

"Good morning my lovelies" Y/n said while putting some food into each pokemon's bowl

The pokemon began to eat and Y/n set wurmple down so he could eat too. She went into the shared bathroom to find Raihan already in there fixing his hair. Y/n grabbed her deodorant and put some on. She then brushed her teeth and put on some mascara and some lip gloss.

"You ready to go beautiful?" Raihan asked

"Yes just let me grab wurmple my love" Y/n said walking out and checking if her pokemon was done eating, it was so she picked it up and put it in her arms.

Y/n and Raihan decided they would walk to the grocery store because they both need to get moving. Raihan opened the door for Y/n as they left and locked it when they were both outside. Raihan held Y/n's hand the whole walk and they even got stopped by a few of Raihan's fans. It's normally a nice experience when fans see Raihan and Y/n in public. Y/n's a model and may not be as well known as Raihan but people still know her face. They made it to the grocery store and went inside and got a cart.

"Ooo! Y/n can I push the cart this time?" Raihan asked

"Sure" Y/n said while putting wurmple in the cart

They quickly got done their shopping and went to go check out. Y/n planned on paying for the groceries but Raihan was about to rain on her parade.

"I'm paying" He said

"Nuh uh I am" Y/n said

Raihan kissed her to shut her up and proceeded to pay for the groceries. They left happily with their groceries in hand.

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