Piers x Allister's Older Sister! Reader

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(I'm watching Pokemon Ultimate Journeys again so prepare for a bunch of Pokemon oneshots)

Y/n was busy driving Goh to Marnie and Ash's match. Y/n didn't want to miss Marnie's match and Goh didn't want to miss Ash's. Y/n is normally shy and soft spoken. But when she's on a stage her whole personality changes. Piers found his friend had talent and he convinced her to work with him. Piers and Y/n have been friends since they were kids and grew up seeing each other a lot. She's the old ghost type leader who retired after becoming famous. She left her place to her little brother Allister but still visits Stow on Side quite frequently. When Goh and Ash met Piers, Goh noticed a look in Y/n's eyes that he couldn't understand.

"Y/n if I may ask what's your relationship with Piers?" Goh asked

"Where did that question come from?!" Y/n panicked

"You just had a look in your eyes that seemed special when you looked at him" Goh shrugged

"Oh- Well we're just friends nothing more" Y/n explained sounding sad

"You sound sad about that" Goh grinned mischievously

"What! No I don't why would I be sad!" Y/n frantically argued

"Mmmhmm" Goh hummed sarcastically

"Oh look we're here!" Y/n said enthusiastically to change the topic

Y/n and Goh got out of her car and entered the stadium they ran up to the place Piers and Team Yell we're sitting.

"Ya made it" Piers greeted

"Yep all thanks to Y/n" Goh chirped

Piers smiled at her as she shyly stood there not knowing what to say or do.

"I'm glad we're friends Y/n" Piers said while watching the match

"Yeah..." Y/n mumbled

"You're being awfully quiet" Piers mentioned

"I am?" Y/n questioned

Goh was trying hard not to laugh about the fact he knew Y/n liked Piers until the intercom announced that the old ghost-type gym leader was here to watch the battle as well. Y/n froze in place it was already bad enough that her conversation with Piers was so awkward but now the crowd knowing she was there made everything way worse.

"Y/n you good?" Piers asked

"I'm fine Piers let's just cheer for Marnie and Ash" Y/n lied that she was fine but was willing to say or do anything to make sure the people around her were happy

"Liar." Piers mumbled

"Excuse me?"

"I said liar" Piers spoke up

Goh found this all funny so he was recording.

"Well geez sorry for lying about my feelings I didn't know you cared so much" Y/n retorted focusing on the battle to avoid eye contact with Piers

"Oh so that's how you're gonna be, of course I care you're my friend" Piers gritted his teeth together

"Well what if I don't wanna be friends Piers what if I wanna be more than friends" Y/n clamped her hand over her mouth hoping Piers didn't catch that.

Piers laughed a little.

"What are you laughing at?" Y/n asked

"You. Who would want to date a guy like me. I mean sure I've had feelings for you but you have to be kidding" Piers said laughing at Y/n. Y/n gave him a sad look.

"Oh wait you're actually serious" Piers said astonished

"Oh my Arceus of course she's serious have you seen the way she looks at you I bet even Ash could figure it out" Goh exclaimed

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