The Utopia in sheep's clothing

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The loud noises almost drove me crazy.

I could hear everything but see nothing because my eyes just wouldn't open. They were so heavy, it almost felt like they were being held shut by two concrete blocks. What happened to me? What did Hoodie mean? Like... Where was I? They didn't take me with them, did they?

I struggled with the nausea which rising within me. It had been going on like this for what felt like hours. And I couldn't do anything about it.

"Hey Shawty, get up, we don't have forever!", that voice... Oh no. No no no!

"Leave her alone, Niragi. Aguni hit her too hard, so it's normal that she doesn't wake up straight away," a female voice? I didn't know her.

"The similarity is amazing. You were right, Niragi, I would have confused them too. Have you informed Hayashi yet?", this voice was also new. It sounded like the person had drunk too much. I winced and grumbled as something cold touched the back of my neck.

"See, there's some life in the body again!" the voice spoke again, "Can you open your eyes, Ayuna-chan?" I blinked. In fact, I was able to move my eyelids again, albeit slowly.

"Wonderful, wonderful! Welcome to the Beach! We're glad you came to us, girl!" I had to close my eyes again because the light was blinding me. Where the hell was I?

"Where am I?" I croaked and immediately choked. My throat was scratchy and sore. Probably from the smoke... Wait, smoke! I had spoken to Hoodie, he had brought me here! And an Aguni supposedly finished me off?

"You don't seem to be fully awake yet. The Hatter just told you, Shawty! You better listen or I'll lose patience. Maybe I should put a bullet through your head instead! It would at least look nice, don't you think?", a gun barrel was pressed into my back, and I felt goosebumps all over my body again.

"Pull yourself together, Niragi," so now I knew his name too. Niragi... I had to be careful of him. I focused my gaze on the person standing in front of me. He had longer hair and wore swimming trunks and a weird bathrobe.

"Greetings, my name is Hatter. I am number 1 in this utopia called Beach! We have everything you need here in the Borderland! Beds, food, running water, electricity, alcohol, sex and so much more more! We have the answers to the questions that torment you so much!", he was extremely cheerful, I didn't like it.

And what was this nonsense about utopia?

"Show her the wall!" he ordered as I blinked to clear the white spots from my vision. When I could see somewhat normally again, I noticed that this strange bird had stepped aside to reveal a huge bed sheet.

Who came up with the idea of using something like that as room decoration? I leaned forward a little to study the drawings on it more closely.

All poker cards were listed. Spades, clubs, diamonds, hearts - literally everything from 1-10 and jack, queen and king. Some cards had already been crossed out.

"We collect the cards to find our way back to the real world. Everyone collects for everyone else. So we will fill the deck of cards and send the first person back! Until everyone has reached the other world again!", he took my silence as an invitation to explain his crazy system, "We have to stick together in such difficult times! All together for one!"

He laughed while he raised his hand: "Do you see these bracelets? They show where you stand."

Sure, I get it, he was number one. Was it to be expected otherwise?

"We don't have many cards yet, but the number is constantly growing! Anyone can join us! This includes you. A mouse whispered in my ear that you have good qualifications to be a good player," he raised his arms demonstratively, " There are also only three rules: 1. You have to wear swimwear. So it's hard to hide anything. Do you understand?" He laughed uproariously and I knew I wouldn't be able to get out of this hole.

"2. You can live your life however you want. As much alcohol, sex and whatever you desire. Do what you want to do. And 3. - The most important rule for me - death for every traitor. Should we find out that you're hiding cards from us, you're dead," he chuckled, "Thanks, by the way."

He held up my 3 of Hearts card and giggled idiotically. I widened my eyes. How did he get this card? "So, what do you say? Are you in, Hayashi?" he looked at me with a curious expression on his face. I let my gaze wander for a brief moment. So many strange faces...

And then...hoodie. He stood there and grinned stupidly at me. He was responsible - he had put me in this situation. I felt anger. If I hadn't run into him, I would be back in my apartment! Then I wouldn't have had to put up with this crazy person...

Then I looked back at Hatter. He smiled. But it didn't seem real.


He looked like a wolf hiding in a sheep costume. At first glance he seemed sweet, inconspicuous and vulnerable. But when you looked closer, there was so much more to him.

His utopia was also just a costume. I knew I hadn't even gotten to know a fraction of the whole, which made me uneasy. What was going on in the background?

"It would mark me as a traitor if I said no now, wouldn't it?" I wanted to know calmly and stared straight into his eyes. A smile line appeared next to his left eye.

"You have a sense of humor, little one. Tell me, how old are you?" he wanted to know and I looked down again.

"I'm turning twenty-one this year," I replied and he nodded.

"Well, I'll take your answer as a yes. Welcome again! And.... YEAH guys! 3 of hearts! That card is missing! You've got yourself off to a good start, girl!", his cheer... It was just creepy.

I wanted to get up and leave the room, but only then did I realize that I was tied up.


"Oh, I forgot about that! Get rid of her restraints, Last Boss, she won't run away," Hatter turned away from me and I rubbed my sore wrists as the ties were loosened. At that moment there was a knock.

"Come in?" called number one. The door opened and I saw blonde hair. My heart sank. I was right, my suspicions were confirmed. She was here. The person I least wanted to see. She glanced at me and... she froze too. But her grin remained. Even if it wasn't real anymore.

"Man, if that isn't even a surprise, Ayuna! Nice to see you, sister !"

You could literally feel the bomb exploding in the room.

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