Devil's second plan

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I found the first kid in an abandoned 7 Eleven.

It was a perfectly normal backpack. It contained the promised things: food, water, an emergency first aid kit and... a pistol. It was small and only had five shots, but it would be enough for now.

At least I hoped so. I seemed to keep forgetting that this was a 9 of Spades game. How stupid of me, right?

I wasn't afraid, but my muscles still tensed whenever I heard even the slightest noise. Was it fear after all?

Fear of being attacked from behind?

How did the saying go again? Don't get stabbed in the back twice? The first time it was Ayumi, who knows, maybe the second backstabber could be a simple civilian...

Danger! The area is now reduced!

Respect to the game maker. He made the whole thing more and more complicated. If you had no idea about circle calculation, it made the game difficult. In any case, the map that we had on our cell phones did not show how big the area was now and to where it would be reduced.

It was a game with time, with nerves and with the brain. You also had to run a lot, which would explain the spades. But the 9? Why the 9? There was something else there that I couldn't quite explain. But I could 100% say that I would find out pretty soon.

7/10 participants are still alive!

One less and I hadn't even moved my fingers once. Maybe I only had to when it came to first and second positions. As the saying goes: "Second place is the first to lose".

I shouldered the backpack and left the store. Where could I see best from? And where was I guaranteed that the boundaries of the playing field wouldn't get in my way? Not an easy decision -

I jumped when something suddenly whizzed past my face. It was only when it hit the wall behind me that I realized it was a bullet. I had been shot at. I immediately scanned my surroundings as I took cover.

Where did the shot come from?

The sniper revealed himself through a reflection of light. The spotlight from another shop showed me his point. He was sitting on the roof of a supermarket. It wasn't particularly high, but still efficient. The sniper had thought carefully.

But he had forgotten that the height made him vulnerable.

I quickly pulled out my pistol. It felt unusual in my hand and I had doubts for a brief moment. Was I ready? Could I shoot? But my finger found the trigger automatically. I couldn't even think straight before one of the five bullets shot through the air and found its target.

6/10 participants are still alive!

I really had done it. For a brief moment I felt guilty, but the thought quickly went away. Someone else's life for mine. I was given no other choice. I could think about it later.

Danger! The area is now reduced!

500 m smaller. On each side, this meant the area was now a kilometer in diameter. Crazy, that was quick.

5/10 participants are still alive!

Four opponents were left. Wait... The area was only a kilometer in diameter? What would happen when there was nothing left of the area? Was that why there was this time limit? That would mean that they were stepping on our toes.

We had to do something, otherwise we would all die if we ran out of time...

Oh oh! Three tigers escaped from the nearby zoo! Take care of yourselves!

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