When the light fades...

375 14 16

Three things struck me as I examined the clothing.

1. That was the underwear I've been missing recently.

2. Why were my sweatpants here that I lent to Hinata the other day?

3. That was his sweater. More specifically, the sweater, which I thought was cool.

"HINATA..." I mumbled and wanted to rush out of the bathroom to ask my questions, but I refrained from doing so and instead started to finally get out of my wet clothes and turn on the shower. The hot water made me jump for a moment and I waited until it was the right temperature before standing under the steady stream.

The warmth relaxed me quite quickly.

I turned around and studied the selection of shower gel and shampoo...

4. There were two bottles of my shower stuff in his shower.

Okay, now there was no doubt anymore, something had gone on behind my back... But what? I would squeeze Chishiya out as soon as I was done-


I squealed as the bathroom suddenly became pitch black.

What happened?

Why couldn't I see anything anymore? Had shampoo gotten into my eyes?

I wanted to look for the shower door, but I kept reaching for nothing. What now?

In a panic, I tried to turn around, only to fall flat on my face on the slippery floor.

It banged quite loudly, but I didn't feel any pain, which was a very good sign. But now I was even more disoriented than before.

I couldn't stay lying here, and I couldn't get up in this darkness either. Was there anything else left for me?

"Chishiya?", my mouth was once again faster than my head. I only realized what had happened when I heard footsteps outside the bathroom door.

"Ayuna?" he seemed to be standing right in front of the door, "Are you okay?"

I hesitated for a moment.

"Yes, you know? I find it really cozy to lie here in the shower while I can't see anything," I then replied.

Was this my weird attempt to make the situation better than it actually was?

"You don't see anything?" he seemed to pull the corners of his mouth back into a grin.

"Yeah! Damn, it's dark! Pitch black!" I shouted and I heard him push down the door handle. Unfortunately for me, I locked the door...

"I have a spare key somewhere here, try to stay calm," his doctor came through again and I snorted to drown out the laughter.

There was a frequent rustling, then the footsteps came closer again and a key turned in the lock.

To my relief, light flooded the room as he opened the door. Luckily it wasn't my eyes!

"The light bulb is out," he said as he entered the room and started working on one of the bathroom cabinets. I was finally able to sit up.

My back cracked dangerously loudly.

Well, realization hit me square in the face.

I was naked.

This time completely.

And the young man in front of me was just studying me with his eyes. I blushed and covered what I wanted to cover. His eyes met mine, he grinned again.

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