The unexpected comes often

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"-llo! Hey, can you hear me?" she had a sweet voice that almost lulled me back to sleep.

"Open your eyes, you're not allowed to sleep now, you hear?" she touched my shoulder, "Wake up, Ayuna!" And then I opened my eyes. There they were again, the chocolate brown pupils.

Yes, the girl who had been standing next to Aguni. Now it occurred to me again.

"W-Who are you?" I blurted out and she helped me into a sitting position.

"Heiya. Heiya Akane," she answered me as she dug out a first aid kit. She came prepared? How unusual -

"This is going to hurt," she warned me and in the next moment my entire abdomen felt like it was on fire. I opened my eyes and the tiredness disappeared immediately.

It was only after a few seconds that the pain subsided, and I cursed when I was finally able to speak again.

"It has to go like this for now," she said, "We don't have much time left!" She packed her things back up and then jumped up before leaving as suddenly as she came.

I hesitated for a moment before pushing myself to my feet and doggedly trying to regain my balance.

I only noticed her prosthetic leg in the corner of my eye.

Amazing, she moved so quickly!

And she had saved my life - even though she didn't have to.

I had to thank her when -

Damn, the game wasn't over yet!

I was wounded - but that was precisely why I couldn't give up now. Otherwise, their help would have been unnecessary.

So, I would grit my teeth and fight through it, no matter the cost.

There was still time for gratitude and follow-up treatment later...

Man, my mind is wandering again! What was going on - was I so off track because of the injury?

I looked around briefly before slowly starting to move again.

The red team's number 4 and 7 were sent to prison!

Two players? Not more? We already had...

Oh yes.

That's right, they had made kings free. I never expected that a children's game could be so hard. How do you say it?

The unexpected comes often.

The time is over! Team Blue has three players in prison!

Three minutes until the start of the second round!

We were lost. Only three players?

It was nasty, damn, they were going to win!

But I wouldn't give up just yet. I wanted to play and not make it too easy for him. This Joshua was getting on my nerves so much, he should feel what he had done to me!

Yes, I was resentful, very resentful. If I put my mind to something, I would do it.

Nothing would stop me now, I did it for freedom!

And so, I looked for my hiding place. And I found one too, high up in the little sushi restaurant. Now it was time to wait. I had to see what the game entailed.

The game begins!

I unconsciously curled my hands into fists. The pain and the unpleasant throbbing in my left side made me come back to reality.

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now