A spark before the fire

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He did not say anything.

The only thing I could observe were his eyes that professionally scanned my left side.

The medical student probably just came through in him at that moment.

"Who stitched that?" he wanted to know, and I swallowed slightly.

"Aguni," I murmured, "I didn't notice, according to Heiya I was unconscious."

He nodded slightly.

"We should stop this," he said suddenly and my eyes widened slightly. He wanted to stop? Now? He couldn't do that, he had already pushed me to a level that I couldn't get down from on my own.

"No," my voice sounded firm and he frowned slightly, trying to suppress his grin.

"It doesn't hurt much anymore," I added, "So don't worry." He didn't seem to buy it entirely, but I knew that he too had reached a point where going back was difficult.

"Are you sure?" he asked again and I nodded.

That was the starting signal for an unforgettable hour.

It started with a spark and ended with a huge fire.

His hands, the warmth, the closeness of his body...

"What do you want, Ayu?", it sounded like a purr as he put his lips to my ear, "Tell me and I will do it."

"I-I... ngh," I tried to give him an answer, but he nibbled on my neck at the same moment.

It felt like little needles were pricking my skin, but I didn't think that it was uncomfortable.

"Mmh? Did you say something?", I felt his breath on my neck as he spoke, a shiver ran down my spine.

Since he would keep cutting off my words, I guess I had no choice - I had to take the initiative in a different way.

Since I could still move my arms freely, I moved them towards his upper body and my hands grabbed the zipper of his jacket.

With one simple movement I had unzipped the piece of clothing, which seemed to amuse him.

I felt the grin on my skin.

A strange feeling.

"Impatient?" he asked me while looking into my eyes. I shook my head before our lips locked once again.

I closed my eyes as his hands went exploring again. They moved up my hips to finally end at my breastbone, where he made small circles again.

Goosebumps now also spread across my upper body.

How did he manage to hit the right spots every time?

I also let my hands wander, first on his shirt, then I let them disappear under the material.

A low hum escaped his lips as I explored his body below the waist.

I felt him start to peel me off my clothes - but he did it in such a deft way that it didn't interrupt our flow.

I also set about removing the little bit of material from his body. But unfortunately, I only managed to do it with his shirt, because from then on, he took full control.

My own shirt and bra ended up next to the mattress and I laid naked in front of him.

But... it only made me wilder.

Just the look with which he looked at me made me melt.

His left hand began to explore my breast while his other hand worked on the waistband of my pants.

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