The beginning of the end

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He hadn't promised too much.

The show was really just beginning. I hid myself in the shadows on a gallery with him while we just watched what was going on in the lobby.

If the situation hadn't been so serious, I might have even enjoyed myself. Aguni, trapped in self-pity, tried to convince everyone that he was the witch. At least that's what Arisu had discovered. He had appeared in the entrance hall with Usagi, seriously injured, and tried to bring the truth to light. If I was honest, I didn't have a clue. Besides, I was a little dizzy because I had gotten a headache from the air in here.

"Admit it, Aguni! It's not you! You're just trying to cope with the fact that you killed your best friend Danma!" Arisu was violently pushed away by the new number 1 and the leader screamed loudly. Arisu had hit a sore spot. I hadn't known what really happened that night when the Hatter was brought back dead, but somehow the realization didn't shock me at all.

"I am the witch! I am your opponent!"

"No! That's not you! Momoka-" Suddenly a girl I didn't know jumped up. She took a deep breath: "Listen up everyone!" The hustle and bustle stopped for a brief moment. "I was a dealer in this game!" A laser shot down from the sky in an instant and she fell dead.

It was quiet...

Completely understandable because I was shocked too. She had been a dealer? What did that mean?

I spied to Chishiya, but he also seemed a little rattled. So I wasn't alone with this thought.

"Momoka is the witch! She killed herself to start the game! It's a game of hearts! This style is designed to play with other people's hearts, lead them astray and cheat them!" Arisu spoke to them again and the realization hit me.

Sure, of course! He was right!

Ann, who was just entering the hall with Kuina, raised her hand. "He's telling the truth! The knife was upside down in her chest. Besides, only her fingerprints were found," she supported Arisus statement with her findings while she held up the evidence. The crowd seemed to slowly realize it too.

5 minutes remain!

A loud scream ripped through the entrance hall and my eyes opened wide as Niragi suddenly sprinted into the hall.

Had he survived?

And now? What would he do - he wouldn't...

Yes, of course. He killed anyone who stood in his way.

For a brief moment he peered in our direction, I saw a spark in his eyes. Then all of a sudden he pointed the barrel of the gun in our direction and...

... I widened my eyes in shock as the bullet came my way.

I wasn't fast enough, but Chishiya quickly pulled me towards him, and I escaped unscathed. "Thanks!" I gasped, "That was close..."

"Sometimes I really wonder if you're actually dumber than I think you are," he murmured behind me. "You're reacting like a slug. What's wrong with you lately?"

"A lot."

Our conversation stayed with this exchange of words because in the same second we heard Aguni who was screaming loudly. But this time it was because he intercepted Niragi and fell with him into the flames that were already eating into the lobby. It wouldn't be long before the whole shed was on fire.

At the bottom they slowly started moving and began to carry Momoka outside. The game should finally end.

Chishiya turned away from me. "Now it's time to decide," he said to me, "What are you going to do?"

What? What did he mean? I -


I guessed he was asking me if I wanted to accompany them or go another route. What did I even want? I hadn't even thought that far ahead ...

He started moving again and left me standing alone.

Congratulations! You have won the game!

All survivors will be issued a 10 day visa!

A visa, huh. Was it not over yet?

What else would happen if I wanted to find out?

I slowly started moving. I just wanted to get out of here.

I would consider what came next when I could finally breathe normal oxygen again.

CO² and carbon monoxide really weren't that healthy, the lame commercials on TV were right.

I went down the stairs, then left the building through a side exit and walked a good distance away until I came to the small beach that led to the river. I sat down there for the time being and looked at the surface of the water.

The end of the beginning.

It sounded funny somehow, but I felt more like crying. So much uncertainty...

Who was still alive and who had died?

What happened to Ayumi?

What would happen next?

Would I be able to withstand further blows of fate?

Would I see Kuina, Ann, Arisu, Usagi and... Chishiya again?

My gaze was lost in the water. The light in my eyes was gone and instead I was met with exhaustion. I was at the end of my strength.

I sullenly pulled a small pocket knife out of my pocket. I had brought it with me when I left Beach.

I hesitantly reached for my burnt braid and, after a short pause, cut off the part that had fallen victim to the flames.

My once long, beautiful hair, which I had been very proud of, fell to the floor. The loose strands now fell over my shoulder. What an unusual feeling...

I stood up and looked back again. Beach was completely engulfed in flames. I would be able to move on without being stopped - nothing would keep me in this place anymore.

Fate had shown me the way until now. It was up to it to decide whether I would see him again.

And if it really was the case that we met again, then I would at least tell him what my heart told me. I wouldn't care if he reprimanded me, no, maybe even rejected me.

If fate brought us together again, he should know. It was fair that he knew about it.

And so I averted my gaze and took step by step. I didn't look back, but kept going straight ahead.

I continued to disappear back into Tokyo.

An empty, cold city...

A venue that might still have a surprise in store.

I may not have been ready for what was to come.

But I would fight, no matter the cost.

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