New Friends?

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I was woken up by a quiet rustling.

A quick look at the clock told me that it was actually far too early and that we easily had three hours before we had to get up.

The young man next to me rustled a little and I sat up to find out what seemed to be the problem. To my surprise, Chishiya was just about to peel himself out of bed.

"What's wrong?" I asked quietly and I saw his look, despite the darkness his eyes seemed to shine.

"The doorbell rang," he murmured quietly, and I stared at him in surprise.

"But it's still the middle of the night?" I wanted to know, and he just shrugged his shoulders before disappearing through the bedroom door into the hallway. I was now also curious and started to throw a jacket over my loose shirt and shorts before I followed him, grumbling.

Surprisingly, I heard a new voice.

A male voice.

Instinctively, I zipped up my jacket and then peered into the dimly lit living room.

There was a stranger sitting on the couch who seemed to be calmly talking to my boyfriend.

Oh, did I just call Shuntaro my boyfriend?

I announced myself with a clearing of my throat and both eyes slid to me, a grin appeared on the stranger's face.

Did I mention he was covered in burn scars? No? Okay, then I do it now.

"Chishiyaaa! You didn't even tell me that you were a womanizer!" he laughed, and goosebumps ran down my back.

The laughter sounded familiar...

"Shut up, Niragi," Shu replied calmly and I stood next to him, "This is Hayashi Ayuna." Niragi seemed to be examining me closely.

"Damn, you're hot," he finally said and received punches from Shuntaro, while I wanted to sink into the ground.

"Don't give me any trouble," he said as he threw Niragi a few pillows and blankets, "And make sure you get the locksmith tomorrow!" Then Shu grabbed my arm and pulled me back into the bedroom.

"Have fun, lovebirds!" the young man called after us, while my face flushed again.

Chishiya just seemed amused by this.

"Who is that?" I wanted to know as we lay cuddled up in his bed again and he sighed.

"My buddy, we met in the hospital and have gotten along well ever since," he said, and I started to ponder. But when I felt his lips on my forehead, I looked up at him.

"Get some more sleep, Ayu," he murmured quietly, and I nodded slightly before he wrapped his arms around me.

"Okay, Shu," I whispered, and I could swear he tensed up a little.

But my eyes immediately closed, and I slipped back into my little dream realm from which I had just been torn out.


The glass shattered into thousands of shards.

I swore out loud and Niragi looked at me amused. "I know I look scary, Hayashi-chan. That's no reason to let go of the glass though," he teased, and I stuck my tongue out at him to cover up my embarrassment.

Damn... that stupid short-term memory of mine - I had completely forgotten he was here.

Shuntaro poked his head into the kitchen and surveyed the mess I had just created. Sighing, I reached for a kitchen towel and collected the largest shards, then swept up the rest and vacuumed so that there were no more broken pieces of glass.

When I was finally able to sit down at the breakfast table, I was completely exhausted again.

"So, you're Chishiya's girlfriend?" the guy asked me, and I was about to answer when Shu interrupted me.

"Yes, she is, so stay away," he grinned and sat down next to me as I handed him the cup of coffee that I had made for him. He thanked me before I dropped my head on the table and just listened to what they were talking about.

Apparently, they seemed to be exchanging about what had happened to both during the last few weeks. I learned that Niragi had now received an invitation to a military training facility and was soon starting his work there. He had also expanded his circle of friends.

If one could trust his words, he had met a young man named Arisu. The two had gotten along well, which is why he now had regular contact with him. Arisu was already taken, he had a girlfriend named Usagi, they had recently moved in together. To be honest, the names seemed familiar, but I couldn't quite place it.

Like every time.

"Ayu?", Shuntaro completely threw me off course when he spoke to me. I looked up at him and noticed his brow furrowing. The next moment his cold hand touched my forehead.

"You have a fever," he commented, and I shook my head.

"No, I'm fine," I mumbled, and he sighed before briefly disappearing and coming back with a thermometer. He held it to my forehead, and it beeped briefly. Niragi watched our interaction with a grin. Shu showed me the result.

38.7°C (101,66°f).

Oh man, why did he always have to be right?

"Oh, how wonderful! Should I put some romantic music on for you so that it fits the cliché?" Niragi was definitely making fun of us again.

"Shut up," I hissed quietly and let my head fall back onto the table. If I was honest, I felt a little weak - but I couldn't get sick now, I had an important conversation today with a youth counselor who was dealing with Sarumi's case... I couldn't...

"Damn, go to bed, kid!" Niragi finally had a normal tone again.

"No," I said and sat up, "I still have important appointments today..."

"...Which you can move to another day. You're not going anywhere," Shuntaro pulled me up and dragged me (lovingly) across the apartment back to the bedroom, where he pushed me onto the bed and wrapped me in the blanket.

"A piece of advice from your doctor: take it easy, then you'll be fit again sooner," he grinned, and I suppressed a smile before relaxing my tired limbs.

Then I closed my eyes.

I could still hear the clinking and rustling next to me, but I didn't see what exactly he was doing.

"I'll send Hinata over later, she finishes earlier than me," he murmured in my ear before he left the room.

I felt comfortable here...

This was my harbor. He was my anchor.

And so, I slipped into a deep, restful sleep again.

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