The icing on the cake

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I didn't know how long I had been sitting here on the edge of the roof, but it was nice to watch the people at the pool area.

From up here it somehow seemed more peaceful than if you looked at the situation from below, because the people seemed normal for a change. The exuberant celebration showed me that I was still alive - that others were in my situation too. I wasn't alone, others drowned in their fate too...

It was so calming to watch them live.

Only when the sun slowly appeared in the distance did I realize how long I had been here. The tiredness slowly returned, and I fell back onto my back. Stars could still be seen in the sky, but they would soon be gone. I slowly closed my eyes and enjoyed the breeze blowing over my skin.


It reminded me that I was still alive, that the Borderland hadn't yet brought me to my knees. I sighed softly and remained silent. The loud music could be heard from below.

Were Kuina and Sakusa also sitting downstairs?

I opened my eyes when I heard the door to the roof open. I immediately sat back up and stared at the source of the sound: white hoodie, blonde hair, cocky grin... Chishiya.

What was he doing here? Why was he on the roof?

Our eyes met and neither of us dared to look down first. "So, this is where you were hiding," his voice broke the harmonious silence and goosebumps appeared on me again.

"I wasn't hiding," I replied, finally averting my gaze. Instead, I went back to watching the hustle and bustle by the pool. When I heard rustling next to me, I knew he had sat down too.


"It's absurd how they can behave like that," he said after a while, and I looked at him. He seemed to be intently watching the people below.

"Well, not everyone is as indifferent as you and copes well with experiences," I replied, "Some people just need the distraction." He laughed quietly.

"I knew you would say that" he replied once he had gotten his laughter back under control. I would have liked to slap him left and right in the face. It sounded like an insult the way he emphasized it. But nothing else could be expected from him.

And yet I was confused. Why was he here, what did he want to achieve with the conversation? It also sounded like he was looking for me...

He could have just left again! People like him should leave me alone!

"What do you mean?" I asked, pretending to be bored, so that I would at least have a few more pieces of the puzzle. If he was already here, I should take advantage of it. He grinned and tapped his foot.

"Sometimes you're a little hard to read, Hayashi-san. But that's what makes you so interesting," he replied simply. My blood was slowly boiling.

"Please don't call me by my last name," I instructed, and a dangerous glint came into his eyes. I had fallen into his trap without even realizing it.

Oh no, why did I even get involved in the conversation?!

"You're trying to forget," he started, and I immediately felt uncomfortable.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Chishiya," I tried to keep my tone neutral.

"Are you sure about that, Hayashi Ayuna? So, you're going to stick around and let yourself be taken advantage of?" I wanted to wipe the grin off his lips. He was the last person I wanted to share my complicated history with. Although... he was second to last, Niragi came last.

"Why should I let myself be taken advantage of?", it slowly became difficult to remain neutral. He scratched at a wound that had only just healed; it wouldn't be long before it was open again.

He was silent for a while, and I was about to leave the place when he opened his mouth again: "You know yourself that your behavior will get you into trouble at some point."

The wound was open.

"I'm already in trouble," I hissed quietly, and his smile widened. He had apparently achieved what he had strived for.

"Are you sure about this?", oh my god, he was slowly driving me crazy. I was about to push him off the edge of the roof.

"Pretty sure. So, stop meddling in other people's affairs and opening wounds that were already closed!" I growled and he raised his left eyebrow.

"Do I?" he grinned as my expression faltered. Damn, I was about to make the next mistake. I propped myself up on my arms and pushed myself back up to my standing position. He watched with amusement as I stomped toward the door.

"Think about it carefully again, Ayuna. Are you really in trouble? Or are you just imagining it?", those were the words I heard from him, then the door closed behind me and I stood in the stairwell shaking with anger.



Arrogant something.


I could have continued cursing him for another hour, but I was too tired. Besides, it wasn't worth continuing to waste my thoughts on him.

And yet... Somehow, I had felt that he had spoken what I had been fearing inside all along... knowing that perhaps there was truth in the words. I couldn't deny them outright, the words weighed heavily on my shoulders. It was as if he had once looked into my soul - studied me closely. I suddenly felt uncomfortable.

Chishiya was someone you didn't want as an enemy. He was an opponent whose level I would never reach. He managed to weaken others with words - a gift that only very few people could use.

He was still a mystery to me that I just couldn't find any parts to. It was like magic. Would I be able to continue to withstand him if he challenged me again?

But why did this mysterious guy attract me so much? Why did I want to know how he would continue to reveal his cards? Why couldn't I get rid of that smile from my head?

Why did this split opinion make me doubt myself - why couldn't I decide which path to choose?

Avoidance or confrontation? What was the right decision?

It was a bitter aftertaste that just couldn't leave me. I was afraid. Something happened again that I just couldn't control, and it was drifting in a direction that I didn't want.

What did he know?

Or rather:

How much did he know about me and my life?

And would I be able to control his knowledge if I turned away from him? What if he shamelessly exploited the information?

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now