A hopeless case

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A/N: The game "Free The King" does not occur in the series!

And a little sensitive language *cough cough* :D


"To a fair game," Joshua grinned mischievously at us before he and his team disappeared into the deepest corners of the department store. Meanwhile, the team of players remained somewhat perplexed.

The rules were irritating. There were so many!

"So, it's a kind of hide-and-seek game, only this time there's a base where we have to call up the hidden ones, right?" asked a young girl who was standing almost directly across from me. Some answered the question with a nod, others scratched their heads in perplexity and still others stared at the floor.

That wasn't good at all...

"Guys, pull yourself together. We can only do this if we all approach the game objectively. Panic and helplessness won't get us anywhere right now!", it was Aguni who made this announcement, "We are 10 people. One guards the base, the other nine go searching. Pay attention to their numbers so you don't get electrocuted!"

He seemed to have a plan.

Was that a good or bad sign?

I was hoping for the first possibility.

Our team finally dispersed, and an older man was appointed as a guard.

The game now begins.

Blue team must find the red team!

But pay attention to the people who want to free their kings!

We started moving. Out of the corner of my eye I saw most of them spread out on the ground floor, so I decided to look on the higher ones.

It wasn't going to be an easy thing.

We couldn't say for sure that the Jack of Spades team was playing fairly - and that made it so difficult. Just the thought that it could be my last game ... that I might not live to see tomorrow made my limbs weak.

I hated having to face uncertainty every damn time.

A quiet rustling forced my attention elsewhere.

The red team's number 3 was sent to prison!

One person was found. Nine more remained.

And I had found someone too.

There was a large mirror on the wall, I assumed it belonged to a fashion store. In any case, the number 5 had hidden himself at an awkward angle to this object - unknowingly, that much was clear. The person didn't seem to know that there was a weak point in his hiding place.

I turned on my heel and made sure I made the fastest way down. There I headed for our base, where our number 7 was standing and guarding it. In a red circle behind him sat the number 3 of the red team, she seemed a little dazed if you looked closely.

I put my hand on the small glass table that was there.

"The number 5. The last location was in the Sakura fashion store, behind a clothing rack," I announced and the table miraculously glowed green.

Eight other members of the red team were still in the game. That didn't make it any easier.

I looked at the big screen. There were photos of all participants, both team blue and team red. Below the pictures, you could see how many electric shocks they had already received. The timer was also visible.

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