When the sun has a plan...

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When I woke up, I had a half heart attack.

"Well, well rested, crack head?" Hinata wanted to know and grinned at me while I tried to calm my heart rate down a little. Damn... I hadn't been expecting that! Shuntaro announced something like this this morning though...

"Mmmhh, what time is it?" I asked as I stretched my tired limbs and looked at her expectantly. She showed me her cell phone.

3:39 p.m.

I had slept for almost 9 hours, what an achievement.

"I should send you greetings from Sarumi, she wishes you a speedy recovery," she informed me. "Oh yes, the conversation with the caseworker from the youth welfare office went well, by the way."

I opened my eyes and my friend smiled slightly: "Chishiya-kun took over. Sarumi is free from her parents, the evidence was open on the table. She will now move into a group home for teenagers."

That was good news. Now Asami no longer had to go back to that toxic household where her parents put so much pressure on her that she continued to fall apart.

"Sounds good," I murmured, falling back as I still felt a little weak.

But Hinata seemed to have other plans.

"So? How was it?", her question hit the bull's eye.

I immediately remembered all the questions I had wanted to ask.

"That was your plan, wasn't it?" I asked, my face turning red again as I remembered last night. Hinata giggled softly.

"Oh, crap! I was too conspicuous, wasn't I?" she asked me, and I sat up again, putting the pillow on my lap.

"Let's put it this way, I found some suspicious clues," I murmured quietly, and she patted me on the shoulder.

"So? Was it bad that I helped?" she wanted to know honestly, and I thought about it for a moment.

No, actually it was a good thing that she did. Otherwise, we would still be where we aren't now.

"No," I said, "But it was still a nasty scam." I smiled at her. "So: you'll have to cover your tracks a little better next time," I added, and she feigned indignation.

"There will be no next time, Chishiya Ayuna!" she cried softly, and I froze slightly.

Chishiya Ayuna.

Why did it feel so damn good on my tongue? "Ohhhh, girl! Are you that deep now?" she asked with a grin, and I broke the chain of thoughts before hitting her in the face with my pillow. That was a just punishment.

"Oww, Oww, Oww! Okay, Okay! I admit defeat!" she exclaimed, laughing, as I hit her face again, "Aaaand? Was he big?"

It felt like all my blood was rushing to my head and my face felt boiling hot. "HINATA...!!!" I squealed and she laughed out loud.

"Hahahaha, you should see your face now!" she gasped, unable to breathe because of the fit of laughter. "No, honestly, Chishiya doesn't give off big dick energy," didn't this girl have any shame at all? "Ayuuuuu, please tell meeee!", suddenly she started her nasty tickle attack and I snorted. Why did I always have to be so ticklish?

"Stop!" I giggled and twisted under her grip, "I.can't.breathe!"

"Tell me!" she asked me with a grin, "Then I'll leave you in peace!"

"Okay!!! I give up!" I exclaimed, "He was big, okay?!" She actually let go of me and grinned.

"Glad to hear it," a male voice replied, and my head turned red again. That couldn't be right, no...

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