A look into his cards

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It must have been a frightening sight when I entered the lobby.

Covered in blood from top to bottom, holding a plastic bag...

The other people looked at me with wide eyes as I walked through the foyer and made my way to the pool area. I knew she was there. She was always at the bar at this time, squeezing in a few too many shots.

Of course, I was right. She sat there and joked with Niragi, who seemed a little absent. I would like to know what was going on in his mind.

The people celebrating moved away from me and I was able to advance to my destination without much difficulty.

I could really say one thing. Her face was worth it. She looked at me as if she had seen a ghost. But as quickly as this expression appeared, it disappeared again.

"Ayuna. Well, what have you done?" Niragi was the first to open his mouth. It suddenly became unusually quiet. Everyone was waiting to see what would happen.

"You miscalculated, Ayumi," I didn't even respond to his teasing. No, I didn't want to hear his voice. He had fired the shot, he had her on his conscience.

"W-What? I don't know what you mean," she had become uneasy, and a smile played on my lips. I had the cards in my hand, she knew that.

"You're a real meanie, you know that, sis? Just promising to suck his dick if he brings you my life... You're a bad one, but what can I say, you've always been a liar", no joke, I was proud that I had made such a violent transition. Ayumi blushed and I knew that my chance was coming.

My warning.

I threw the bag into her lap, and she looked at me before inspecting the contents. She immediately screamed and the bag fell to the floor. Unfortunately, the content "rolled out". And so it happened that mass panic broke out because a disembodied head suddenly lay on the fine marble floor. Blood still flowed from the severed body part, and I grinned.

Yes, it had took a lot of effort, but it was worth it to me. Niragi stared at me mischievously while everyone else ran around in panic. What was going on in his head again - although... I think it was better if I didn't know. He should stay away from me.

I finally turned away. "Don't forget it, Ayumi... You may have stabbed me in the back, but I won't let it happen again. I know that you're a backstabber now," I murmured to her through the crowd and she looked at me with me hateful eyes.

Then I turned away. Step by step I moved away from the scene while the military tried to calm the panic.

I was satisfied. Everything had worked out just as I had imagined. Now I could put the card away, go to my room and -

Suddenly someone dragged me into the stairwell. One look and I knew for sure that it was Kuina.

"Ayuna...", she looked at me, "What kind of things are you doing! I would love to give you a hug, but I think we'll don't do that for now. You're bloody..." she wrinkled her nose and I looked to the ground.

Why was she so... normal? Why didn't she blame me?

She noticed my reaction and a hand placed on my shoulder.

"Sakusa had known that she was on thin ice, Ayu. Don't blame yourself, you hear?", what did she mean by that? Which thin ice? "We're all standing on thin ice. It could have affected anyone. Me, Chishiya, even Aguni! It was a stupid situation, no question, but Yuki didn't regret it," she added afterwards, and I swallowed. I could have cried...

"Come on, it's best to put the card away first. And then you come with me. Chishiya and I, as well as a few other people, want to talk to you," she suggested as she dragged me up the stairs. Suddenly I was so tired...

The card giveaway was only brief. I gave it to Aguni since Hatter was sleeping. Apparently, he was playing today and therefore allowed himself a little rest.

Then I followed Kuina, feeling more uncomfortable with every step. The blood on my body dried up and the metallic stench just wouldn't leave my nose. Sighing, I pushed myself through the familiar door into Chishiya's large room. Kuina made sure that the heavy room door was closed behind her again. And then...

...I was stared at curiously by two new pairs of eyes. They were the two people I had already seen with Kuina. "May I introduce: Hayashi Ayuna," Chishiya introduced, "Ayuna: These are Arisu Ryohei and Usagi Yuzuha." What the hell was going on here?

"Man, Chishiya! You're so damn insensitive! Let Ayu take a shower first!" Kuina complained behind me and threw me a towel in his bathroom. He just nodded slightly before I bowed apologetically and then disappeared, finally being relieved of this feeling.

The whole bathroom smelled like him. It was driving me crazy. To distract myself, I turned on the faucet.

There was...hot water?!

Did the leadership really have this privilege?

I was kind of jealous...

I quickly stripped off my clothes and made sure I was finished. Luckily, Kuina had thought of everything and brought me a change of clothes, which I gratefully put on. I looked in the mirror at my side, which was still bleeding slightly but was fine otherwise.

Then I rejoined the others.

"We'll steal the cards together and then disappear from the beach," I heard at that moment and noticeably winced. Damn, did we really have to always have similar ideas? Well, he had included the card thing, but the escape attempt was a similar concept that I also pursued. Well, at least I got a starting point now.

Chishiya had really thought everything through: how he would use Arisu to get the cards, how he would have Kuina and Usagi keep watch... He didn't say it, but something was hidden in his wording. There was something else he didn't reveal, something he deliberately kept secret from them.

What was he planning? And why the hell did I have to be at his side in this plan?

"Hatter won't survive today's game. With the military at the top, it's going to be uncomfortable here, I assure you," Kuina finished and I leaned back. How could the two of them think so far ahead?

"We will help you."

Usagi and Arisu would take part in the dangerous plan. Chishiya then said that we would have to meet again when the time came. The code would be passed on to the new leader first; before that, all we could do was wait.

A risk? Most likely.

And yet I also agreed. What other choice did I have? I wouldn't be able to get out of this complex on my own.

So, we parted knowing that we would soon be back around this table.

And when the news came in the evening, I was one hundred percent sure: my days on the beach were now numbered.

Hatter died in his last game.

Our plan could begin...

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