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I felt a strange pressure on my chest and tried to take a breath. But I just didn't want to succeed. Something was blocking my airway.

I coughed and felt myself being turned onto my side. A gush of water shot out of my mouth, and I coughed again, I had to gag at the same time and more and more water followed until I finally gasped for air.

I lived.

How was that possible? I blinked and the brightness prevented me from seeing anything for a brief moment. But when I finally was able to, I saw a familiar figure crouching next to me.


Why was he here? Had he saved me?

I wanted to ask him, but my throat felt like someone had sanded it smooth with sandpaper. I would just cough if I talked to him now.

Pained, I tried to push myself up from the ground, but the military leader gently pushed me to the ground. "Careful, I think I bruised two or three of your ribs, if not broke them," he instructed me to be careful and I let myself fall down again. What kind of grotesque situation was that? Why had he helped me? What role did he have? Oh yes, my uncle...

Wait, uncle?

"Johanna... Why? If I hadn't happened to be fishing, you would have drowned!" Aguni crouched on a stone while I stared at the sky. No opportunities came up, so it was planned that I shouldn't speak. The man looked me over. "You know, your dad – Hatter, and Collin - Chishiya had called me. Their signal had gone off, indicating that their goal was getting further and further away. They couldn't reach you. Then they asked me if I had seen you. And at that moment I saw something white falling from the bridge. At first I didn't think anything of it, but then suddenly my alarm went off. And then the two options followed. Either I save you or I leave you drowning," he paused, "And I decided to save your life. They were on the phone, they heard me calling your name - jumping into the water to fish out your lifeless body."

I looked at him while the burning feeling in my throat subsided. Aguni combined personal life with the game... and did so in a clever way.

"I didn't want to die," I whispered and Aguni also looked at me, "But I was forced to have the desire to commit suicide. I-I don't want to play this damn game anymore..." He grumbled.

I closed my eyes, only to hear footsteps a little later. I noticed a hand that gently placed itself on my shoulder. When I opened my eyes, I looked directly into Hatter's face.

"What kind of things are you doing?" he murmured and for a moment I felt like I was looking at a different person. I haven't seen this expression on him before...

"That was close, Ayuna," was that Chishiya? I managed to sit up and look at the two of them. My dress was still a little damp and that's why I was cold.

"Just so you know, I was forced," I said again and Chishiya raised his eyebrows. He didn't seem to believe me.

Option 1: Tell them the truth.

Option 2: Laugh at the situation.

Option 3: Turn away, run away.

I forced my body to stand fully upright. Two of them protested, one remained silent. And this someone ended up following me. "Why don't you say anything?" I finally wanted to know after we had been walking for what felt like an eternity. He stopped.

"What should I say?" he asked and I turned to him. His arrogant smile was nowhere to be found on his face. No, this time he looked serious.

Option 1: You ask him if he finds you disgusting.

Option 2: You cry.

Option 3: You ask why he didn't hang up and why he's still talking to you.

"Why... didn't you hang up? Why are you still talking to me when everyone else isn't?", it was a game of part lie and part truth. Johanna's feelings as well as my own came into play. He smiled, but this time it was one that came without arrogance.

"Would it have been better if I had hung up?" he seemed to want to get an overview of my situation.

"Maybe so... there's a good chance I wouldn't have had to throw myself off a bridge," I replied without hesitation. He didn't reply and at the same time didn't show any emotion.

"Come with me," he said suddenly and overtook me, only to then show the way.

Was that a decision he made himself or was the game behind it?

He led us to a block of apartments. We climbed a flight of stairs and he pulled out a key before opening the door. I would feel uncomfortable in any normal situation, but... this situation was no longer normal.

"Sit on the couch," he ordered me before disappearing for a brief moment. I did as he asked as I was starting to be unable to stand. Just as I was getting used to it, he came back. He had a small pile of clothes and a first aid kit. It was strange seeing Chishiya like that.

"Can I take a look at this?" he pointed to his own chest. More specifically, his ribs. I looked at him.

Option 1: Show him your injuries.

Option 2: Refuse help.

What was that supposed to mean now? Did I seriously have to expose myself now?! I could refuse, but - wasn't that a way to develop my relationship with Collin ?

It was our roles that acted this way. If I made the right decision now, maybe everything would be different... And so I chose option 1 and was about to pull down my dress when I noticed something crucial: I hadn't put anything on.

When I exposed my chest, he saw EVERYTHING.

He seemed to notice, because the familiar grin sneaked back onto his face.

"Don't worry, I'm a medical student. There's nothing I haven't seen before," was that the truth or was he just lying to me coldly?

It didn't matter, it wouldn't change anything now anyway.

I had chosen the first option, so I had to go through with it.

I carefully slipped off the straps and let the material fall. Goosebumps immediately covered me and I shivered while he, unimpressed, started working on the first aid kit.

He seemed to be telling the truth...

"Lie down," he asked me and I agreed, even though I was starting to get a little restless.

Damn, what was I even doing here?

And why didn't it bother me that he saw me like that?

What was this guy doing to me, why was he suddenly confusing me so much? I had sworn to myself that I would treat him with care! He could use me, betray me - there were so many things that stood against him...

And yet the bitter aftertaste had suddenly become slightly sweet.

How was that possible?

Chishiya Shuntaro...

What do you do with me?

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now