Every reward has its price

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Lasers did come from the sky after all, but they were intended for others.

In this game, the roles that had worked against Johanna had lost their lives.

I didn't dare lower my head as I passed the corpses. I couldn't look at them, otherwise the guilt would consume me. I had killed her ... because I preferred my own life. It was a huge emotional burden...

That's just how the Borderland worked - even if the sacrifice had great value.

I slowly walked towards the car. I was tired, I was exhausted...

I had managed to survive the 9 of hearts. I, who had played the main role in this game, had put an end to it. But it still didn't feel good. More people than ever had lost their lives, I had been raped and my feelings were in disarray. Yes, I wasn't even sure I could contain this emotional chaos anymore!

It happened in this game and I couldn't forgive the game masters for it. They had taken so much! But at what price?

I suddenly felt warm as I thought about the encounter I had shared with Chishiya. We had slept together - and I had been the trigger. When I thought about it now, I suddenly felt very uncomfortable. The game was over and I was about to face him again. I, who had behaved like a wild animal!

I stood in front of the car and stared into space. When would the others come? And how did they experience the last few hours?

"Ayuna! Great, you have freed us!" Hatter suddenly came into my field of vision and I noticeably flinched. I didn't expect him to arrive so quickly. Apparently the Hatter had been nearby. I just looked at him, somehow I didn't feel like talking. Aguni also came out from behind Hatter and scrutinized me as I fidgeted under their gaze.

"Where is Chishiya?", the number 1 said what I was thinking. A small pang ran through my chest. Damn, what was that? Like fear? I quickly dismissed the thought as we heard footsteps approaching. And then I saw the clean slate.

"There you are! Wonderful, we can go back! Aguni has collected the card!" he beamed, "Heart 9! YEAH! Guys, that's a great asset!" He continued to rave as we got into the vehicle and drove off. Aguni had grabbed the wheel and I had no choice but to sit next to a certain blonde guy.

As we drove I noticed a metallic smell. I knew it too well and tried to find out where it came from. My eyes snapped to Chishiya.

His hands... they were stained blood red.

What had he done? Why was his hand full of blood? Was that perhaps the reason why he disappeared so suddenly?

He seemed to notice my looks because he suddenly looked at me. Then he grinned. There was the Chishiya I had known again. Who knows, maybe we could forget what had happened between us...

The light from Beach came into view. We were almost back... Why was I suddenly afraid of the moment of having to step into the crowd? One could only hope that there was no big uproar.


Of course we were expected, how could it be otherwise? Members of the military club were positioned on the direct feeder road and seemed to be on the lookout. When they saw the car, one of them shot into the air.

The closer I got to the building, the more anxious I became. All I wanted to do was go to bed, curl up and get depressed because of the game. But Hatter thwarted my plans.

"Ayuna. Please come with me to the boardroom. Management is interested in how you experienced all of this," he pointed to the card and I swallowed. I had no desire (and no energy) to go through it all again. But I couldn't object either.

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now