Ice blue eyes

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"I don't want to be a murderer..."

How long had I been listening to the song now? Three hours? Or maybe five?

Rihanna's song "Unfaithful" was just too fitting for my situation. It was as if the singer was speaking my thoughts out loud.

I found the CD in my nightstand. I had actually just put it in the old CD player to drown out my crying, but somehow the music had left me paralyzed.

I hadn't left my room since she died. I just didn't dare face Kuina again. No, actually I didn't want to look anyone in the eyes. I couldn't stand the looks anymore.

I had disappointed her. Sakusa had died because of me, just because she had had no alibi. And my cold-hearted twin sister was the trigger.

I had never felt more hate.

The song started again. But this time I got up and turned off the CD player. Then I shuffled to the window and looked out briefly. It was sunset. It wouldn't be long before the games would begin. I also had to leave again today, my visa was completely used up. I didn't want to play...

I had promised her that I would survive for both of us.

It broke my heart even more when I couldn't keep that promise. I would play, I would survive. I wouldn't show weakness anymore...

I entered the bathroom and just glanced in the mirror. I knew full well that I looked terrible. Stringy hair, red eyes, pale skin - the way I looked didn't exactly convey the image that I wanted to be a strong player.

But I didn't care at the moment. I tiredly reached for the things that were lying on the edge of the bathtub. A black sweater and short sports shorts - all items of clothing I borrowed from Sakusa. I would never be able to give it back...

I could have cried as I put the clothes on, but there were no more tears. The dull, empty feeling remained. It hurt so much...

The fire alarm signaled that the time had come. Hatter called for the games. I wasn't ready yet, but I put my hand on the handle anyway. Then I stepped out into the hallway and gently closed the door behind me. I scurried down the stairwell with small steps. There was already a lot going on, so I was able to quickly disappear.

The best way to avoid prying eyes.

I caught a brief sideways glance at Chishiya, who was standing on the gallery. And I also saw Kuina, who seemed to be talking to a strange young man. A young woman stood next to him. She looked athletic and wore her hair shorter.

Probably new ones again. If I were them, I would have avoided this place.

Hatter spoke again, but every word that came out of his mouth had a sour aftertaste. I loathed him more and more.

He was a liar - a person who had a dark core that couldn't be seen.

Did it really take me so long to finally understand it? Did something have to happen for me to really have a reason to stop following this utopia?

"...So get the cards!", with the final words everything started moving again. It's shocking how familiar this thing was to me...

Like the last few times, I let the crowd push me until I got my ticket. Number 15. I was in the last car this time. I quickly slipped out of the building and into the parking lot. Of course, I was the first to arrive at the vehicle and therefore had to wait longer until the rest arrived.

Three of them were drunk. How would they be able to play such a game? Some people were so stupid. You threw your life away just to have fun? Then why couldn't Yuki have kept hers?

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