Chemical reaction

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He felt my sides professionally. What was he looking for? Broken ribs? Or did he have other intentions? However, I couldn't really imagine the latter based on the touches.

Somehow, I immediately believed he was a medical student. And yet... It bothered me when his warm hands left my body.

"You're lucky, your ribs are fine," he said and took a pack out of the first aid kid. They were painkillers. "These will help if you get pain," he added.

Why did he do this for me?

He had aroused me, that much was clear. I couldn't concentrate, a thousand butterflies were flying in my stomach. It was... strange. I didn't know this feeling.

I sat up and grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around myself. I needed something to distract me... but what? I let my gaze wander around the room. Only after a while did I see that he had been watching me the whole time.

Suddenly the air literally burned.

The looks we exchanged were no longer normal. "Where did he touch you," the question was unexpected, and I paused.

"I... Everywhere," a twitch went through his body as he started moving. Without much effort, he pushed my chin up and forced me to look directly at him.

"Everywhere," he repeated, his eyes glittering. This wasn't the Chishiya I knew. The arrogant young man suddenly behaved like a normal person. A person who felt emotions like everyone else and who didn't miss my signs.

My body was going crazy, and I didn't know why I took the next step.

Suddenly I was on top of him. It happened very quickly, and I didn't even notice it. He grinned mischievously at me. "I didn't expect you to be so stormy," he said, and I noticed how my cheeks began to glow. He just laughed. "Well...Tell me, what do you want from me Johanna. Or should I say Ayuna?", he waited for me to say okay. He didn't force me but wanted me to give him the approval he needed.

Oh God, what was wrong with me? Damn, I had just come back from the dead and now I was acting like a tempestuous beast? I didn't even know myself like that! I wasn't that kind of girl!

But... He was different. I hated him. He was someone I would never understand. But... he suddenly attracted me magically. It was like we were two magnets. Opposite but attractive. "I...", my words caught in my throat, and I hid my face in my hair, which had come out of my braid and was dangling loosely from my head.

"Tell me," his voice was gentle but also firm. I hesitated again.

"Please... I don't want to feel so dirty anymore..." was what I ended up saying, "I don't want to feel those dirty handprints anymore!"

It was part truth, part lie. The truth was in the words, that I felt dirty, but the handprints... he wouldn't be able to erase them - could he?

He nodded and the smile returned, but despite the arrogance it seemed genuine. And then I felt the hands touching me through the blanket. I felt the warmth spreading through me. The stress I had previously felt was completely replaced. It was as if everything around us suddenly disappeared. There was only him and me, our looks, the touches. His warm fingertips replaced the cold, painful feeling I had been carrying around with me, making me forget the rough and forced grips I had first felt. It was pure relief.

The butterflies exploded the first time he met my skin. It was a completely different feeling, and I didn't know what was happening to me.

Something like that... why was it so different with him?

It wasn't until I suddenly found myself lying on my back on the couch that I knew that he was also in the same emotional state. He was completely in his element, couldn't keep his hands off me like I couldn't keep mine off him. And so, we explored each other, skin pressed against skin. I felt his hot breath on my neck, then his cold lips nipping at my ear.

It was starting to drive me crazy - and he noticed it. His grin returned and he let me fidget for a moment before our bodies fell into harmony. It was completely different than what I had felt before. It wasn't painful, just full of excitement. A feeling I couldn't describe.

My abdomen immediately relaxed, the pain turning into an exciting ache.

No matter how many times I would deny it, there was a connection between us that was special.


You have achieved a partial goal!

I was woken up by the voice in my ear. I sat up carefully and yawned. Chishiya was lying next to me and seemed to still be sleeping.

I couldn't remember when we went to bed, though. But when I thought about the events of the last few hours, I was a little embarrassed.

I had done it with him.

With the man who no one had ever really gotten close to.

I quietly got up and dressed, even though I didn't prefer having to put the white dress back on. I heard a rustling noise behind me and knew that he was also awake now.

"The partial goal has been achieved," he murmured, and I looked at him in surprise.

"Wait, you too?" I asked and he nodded before pointing to his clothes.

"We have a special relationship, remember?" he grinned as he saw my face turn red again. Apparently, he enjoyed teasing me a little.

It made me wonder if he had done it just for the game - a pang went through my heart. I should think about the answer to this question later.

Suddenly his cell phone rang. Since I had lost mine, I looked up at his too.

Breaking news! Twenty-one-year-old Johanna Brown is missing! The police are already searching and are asking residents to help! According to her mother, the young woman must be found by this evening because she suffers from illnesses that require medication! Please help and report any information! Thank you!

Now I knew what I had to do. I had to hide until evening, then I was free. Then the game was over. Chishiya looked at me.

"Then let's see how to get you to go into hiding, shall we?" he pointed to his apartment, "This is the first place they'll look." He was absolutely right. I had to act now, or it would be too late. If they found me now, it would all be in vain, then I wouldn't have the opportunity to walk to freedom again.

It was time to finally end this game. I didn't know how much time had passed, but it was enough to slowly drive me into pure madness.

I didn't like how much this game played with me and my feelings.

Now we had come so far, I didn't want to give up. The opportunity was there, so I would grab it tooth and nail.

I wasn't alone, there were characters in this game who stuck by me.

I felt strengthened and energized.

And Chishiya was the cause...

The Winners Take It All | Chishiya [English]Where stories live. Discover now