Find your target

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I stood off to the side to watch as Hatter gave his speech again.

I didn't want to play today, but somehow, I felt unsafe again. It annoyed me that I became restless so quickly, this whole situation with the visa was hanging over my head.

Since the fear of overstaying my visa had driven me completely crazy, I decided not to spend my days until the end, because if I had waited until the end, I would have taken a big risk.

It was a risk that I really didn't want to have now.

So, I stood here and watched tensely as the commotion started again and everyone wanted to get their papers at the same time. I took my time until it became a little emptier again. Then I strolled over to the table and got my number.

It was number 9.

I hid my hands in the sweater I borrowed from Sakusa. We were the same size, which was pretty convenient. Then I looked around briefly and spotted a pair of dark eyes studying me once again. Chishiya was still standing with the other executives while his eyes were seemingly boring into my body.

Kind of creepy, but I didn't let it show that it bothered me. After all, that would only satisfy him again.

I turned and ran towards the exit, where the cars were already parked. I went to the ninth and... would have liked to turn back straight away.

Standing there was none other than Niragi. Not only that, Aguni was there too. What bad luck, why did I always have to dig into shit?!

But when Sakusas head suddenly appeared in my field of vision, I was somewhat reassured. I didn't see her because she had been behind the steering wheel.

"Who do we have here? Yo Shawty! We're playing together! Can I crush you then?" Niragi grinned at me with his creepy grin and a shiver immediately ran down my spine. Aguni didn't say anything, just looked at me coolly, which wasn't much better. I didn't react but got in with Sakusa and pushed myself deep into the passenger seat. She looked at me.

"Oh dear, looks like you're not in the mood," she said. The two men were still standing outside, apparently waiting for something.

"I feel like a little fawn surrounded by wolves right now," I replied simply, and she grinned.

"Don't be afraid, just because we're all military doesn't mean we're superior to you, you hear me?" She seemed to think for a moment. "Just don't pay any attention to Niragi, I'll deal with him somehow," she suggested, briefly stroking my shoulder before turning back to the steering wheel. At that moment the two men also got in, so I couldn't say anything back. But I was grateful that she was there.

"We can go, Sakusa," Aguni ordered from the back seat and my friend nodded slightly before starting the engine. Then the adventure trip began.

I never expected her to be a speedster but seeing her speed through the narrow streets at nearly 200 made me a little uneasy.


Our destination was an old factory building on the outskirts of Tokyo. The location was brightly lit when we got out. Aguni and Niragi tried to take in the area from all sides, but this was not possible due to its enormous size. After the two men seemed to be finished, we set off, again with a bit of a delay. Apparently, Beach was trying to protect his organization from 'parasites'.

However, we wouldn't have had to use the security precautions because the maximum number of players was 4. We would stay among ourselves, which didn't exactly improve my well-being. It wasn't a good premise, I knew that.

I picked up the fourth phone and ran facial recognition.

Registration completed!

The game now begins.

Name of the game: Find your target

Difficulty level: 5 of spades


The players are divided into four places.

You will choose a weapon which you want to use to hit the targets. You are not allowed to use your own weapons.

There are ten targets hidden in the hall that each individual must hit.

All players must have hit ten targets.

Other players must not be injured.

The weapon you choose has twelve shots; whoever shoots more than that loses.

The shooters' location must not be left, otherwise it's game over!

Time limit: 30 minutes

Five minutes until start.

A game where everyone was on their own... But a shooting game? I had never held a gun before, so how was I supposed to hit targets?

I noticed Sakusa walking towards a table where Aguni and Niragi were already standing. There were various things there. Everything from guns to throwing stars... And I saw something that gave me a little hope: a sports bow with arrows. I had been in the archery club in high school, but that was a while ago now. So, while the others grabbed a pistol, I grabbed the slightly different weapon and walked away from them.

I found my seat quickly because it had been labeled with my name - which scared me a little. How could they have known I was playing in this game tonight?

I tried to shake the thought away by looking around a bit. I was on the ground floor, which wasn't bad in principle, but could be tiring if I had to shoot up. I saw Sakusa waving to me from a small balcony on the first floor. I waved back. My small area was marked with floor markings, it wasn't too big but still gave me enough leeway.

So, it was doable.

I took a deep breath and tried to concentrate. However, Niragi was laughing somewhere, the sound waves carried the sound to me, but I couldn't see him.

Maybe it was better that way.

The game starts in




The game now begins!

The first shot rang out. I drew my bow as well, the familiar feeling tingling in my fingertips. Then I aimed the arrow and... shot.

You hit 1/10 targets!

9 more I had to find and meet. I turned and spotted the next target. Another shot rang out, then another. I also aimed again and shot. The arrow pierced the bullseye again.

You hit 2/10 targets!

"Hey Shorty! You're better than I expected!" Niragi bawled and suddenly I felt a breeze next to me. A bullet hit the ground behind me. Startled, I opened my eyes and jumped to the side, squealing. Niragi just laughed.

"Niragi! Have you forgotten what the rules said again? Get yourself together!" Aguni's voice rang through the room.

"Don't worry, boss. It was just a provocation, nothing more!" he laughed and shot again, only this time at a target. I indignantly blew a loose strand of hair out of my face and turned back to my goals.

You hit 3/10 targets!

I put on a new arrow.

You hit 4/10 targets!

I hadn't missed a single target yet. Apparently, I hadn't forgotten it yet. What luck!

You hit 5/10 targets!

Half was done.

There are 20 minutes left!

It had only been ten minutes? That was weird. Somehow, I had the feeling that something was still lurking in the bush. I aimed at the sixth target and was about to shoot when it suddenly moved. Not just one, but the other five too!

The targets were no longer as easy to hit as before. That was the catch!

There are 15 minutes left!

I hated the woman's voice. She always sounded way too happy, even when the situation was cringeworthy.

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