The constraint from above and pressure from below

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I knew it wasn't good news when they burst into my room in the afternoon without warning two days later.

Yes, I could tell straight away that something was up when I was led to the boardroom. It was also not a good sign that the board was gathered in this room.

I didn't like the way Hatter greeted me. You could tell right away that he had something to tell me. It was a proclamation that brooked no resistance and to which I had to submit without words.

"Ayuna-chan! Welcome! Sit down, we have a lot to discuss!" he pointed to one of the chairs at the large table. I looked around briefly, but when I saw Chishiya, I immediately turned my head back down. I just didn't want to see his smile right now, I couldn't stand it at the moment.

"You will have many questions, but let me explain one thing to you!", the Hatter sat down on the chair next to me and placed his hand on my thigh. An unpleasant tingling sensation spread through me. I didn't like what he was doing, but I couldn't say anything because everyone in the room had guns. One person in particular was eagerly waiting for the moment when he could finally bulldoze me. I could practically see it in Niragi's eyes. So I kept my mouth shut and hoped Hatter wouldn't get any other ideas.

"You know, Ayuna... I have to renew my visa tonight," the Hatter began and I had a premonition of what was to come, "And every time I take a selection of people with me. Congratulations, you have piqued my interest! I have chosen you as one of my escorts!" He beamed when he announced this. However, I didn't find it that funny. Hatter laughed and removed his hand from his leg to pat me on the shoulder. He seemed happy, which pissed me off.

"That completes the team! Ayuna, may I introduce you to the other companions? Aguni," he pointed to the military guy I recognized from the 5 of Spades, "And Chishiya." My heart sank and I could practically feel the arrogant smile. Without a doubt his fingers had been involved, I was 100% sure of that.

"You're not saying anything, aren't you feeling well, girl?" the Hatter grabbed my chin and turned my head so that I had to look directly at him.

"No, no. Everything's fine," I replied quickly.

"Very nice, I thought you didn't want to come. That would have been a shame. I'm sure the rest of the beach members would have swapped places with you without hesitation," not a bad strategy that number 1 used. He forced me to participate while putting pressure on me.

I understood the innuendo: going against his words was treason. I had no choice but to agree.

I gave him a pained smile and he clapped his hands. "Perfect! Then nothing stands in the way of our little trip!" he stood up and indicated that I should disappear again.

I felt taken advantage of, I could tell that much.

As I walked back down the aisles, I was internally cursing: I still had enough days, but I was being dragged off again. And why me? Ayumi had been here for a long time and in his eyes was much more interesting than me?!

Angry, I ran up the stairs to the first floor and looked for room 103. When I knocked on the door, nothing happened at first, then I heard a grim growl. I must have woken Sakura up. A small hint of guilt passed through me, but in the next moment I didn't care.

Without being asked, I entered the room and a sleepy Yuki looked at me. "Ayuna! What are you doing here so early?" she asked me and stretched extensively.

"Just so you know, it's already early afternoon," I collapsed onto the couch, "And I'm in deep shit right now." She was immediately eyes and ears. Without complaining, she sat down next to me on the small sofa and looked at me curiously.

"What's wrong? What did I miss?" she wanted to know and I took a breath.

"I have to accompany Hatter to his game today," her mouth fell open.

"But... If you're not on the board, that's almost impossible!" she looked as if she no longer understood the situation. If I was honest, I didn't really understand it anymore either. But now I was in the situation and had to see that I could get through it somehow.

"Someone had a hand in it," I replied. "Something must have happened that I wasn't aware of. Did something happen in the military?" She shook her head and I briefly considered whether I should tell her my suspicions, but left it at that for now. Maybe I was completely wrong and then it could be embarrassing for me.

"And who else is going?" Sakura reached for the chocolate beans that were on the coffee table. I had hoped she wouldn't ask the question, but fate would have it otherwise.

"Aguni and... Chishiya," I said hesitantly and her mouth fell open again.

"Unusual," she finally whispered, "I never thought Chishiya would go. Normally-" She stopped mid-sentence and stared at me. Then her mouth almost fell to the floor. Shit, now she had figured it out herself. She was damn quick at combining things and then drawing a conclusion from them.

"Maybe it was him," the expected theory came immediately and I shrugged my shoulders.

"Maybe, maybe not," I said simply and she examined me carefully. I fidgeted under her stern gaze. "What would Chishiya want from me?" I finally squealed when I was almost penetrated by her.

"That's what I want to know from you, Ayu," she sat up straight, "What kind of relationship do you have with him?" I looked at her in shock.

"Relationship? Are you crazy? He's an arrogant asshole!" I shouted in horror and the corners of her mouth twitched suspiciously. Oh my God, if she did another 'love' number like that, I would be at my wits' end!

"I see. So Enemies to Lovers," she burst out laughing as I threw the pillow at her. "But seriously. Was there something between you?" she became serious again and I just shook my head.

"Just a simple exchange of words, nothing more," I said, which wasn't even a lie.

"He talked to you?" she wanted to know and I nodded, confused. Was that so abnormal?

"It was him - that's a fact. He must have put something in Hatter's ear! Chishiya hardly talks to anyone! There are only a few exceptions, you seem to be one," she reported and I pushed myself deeper into the sofa. I didn't want to be an exception.

"And why me? There are so many other players... I don't understand any of this, Yuki," I whined.

Unfortunately, she couldn't give me an answer to this question.

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